The all in one Algorand Codespace allows you to set up a virtual enviroment with the latest developer tooling to interact with the Algorand blockchain. This includes SDKs like Python to code without smart contracts, and the algokit experience for when you want to practise smart contracts and dApps!
Above the files in the top right corner click the green code button.
Next click the "Create codespace on main".
Once your codespace is fully loaded in run the commmand 'sh' in your terminal.
After this you can begin coding in your file to practise interacting with the blockchain. (no smart contract needed!)
To get started with smart contracts/dapps run the command 'algokit init' to initialise your Algorand project.
And thats it! - the rest is your playground.
Not sure where to start? This codespace is intended for beginner workshops you can find the code we run through in those workshops here:
Then its time to move away from virtual codespace enviroments to local enviroments. Please check out the Algorand Developer Docs to find out how to set up your local enviroment (Its easy and takes less then 10 minutes!)
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