The routines mentioned in issue #653 have been written, the are functional and have unit tests.
They would need to be profiled / benchmarked / optimized / parallelized:
A benchmark has been prepared and can be run with:
(base) didier@didier-XH310V2~/Documents/Projects/tofu (Issue658_Etendue) $ asv run HEAD^! -q -b benchmarks_03_solidangles -e
· Creating environments
· Discovering benchmarks
· Running 4 total benchmarks (1 commits * 1 environments * 4 benchmarks)
[ 0.00%] · For tofu commit 1b83950e <Issue658_Etendue>:
[ 0.00%] ·· Benchmarking conda-py3.8.12-cython0.29.24-matplotlib3.4.3-numpy1.21.2-requests2.26.0-scikit-sparse-scikit-umfpack-scipy1.7.1
[ 0.00%] ··· Importing benchmark suite produced output:
[ 0.00%] ···· /home/didier/Documents/Projects/tofu/.asv/env/046138848c127820e353d55c8576a687/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
return asarray(a).size
/home/didier/Documents/Projects/tofu/.asv/env/046138848c127820e353d55c8576a687/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tofu/ UserWarning:
The following subpackages are not available:
- tofu.imas2tofu
- tofu.mag
- tofu.tomotok2tofu
=> see print(tofu.dsub[<subpackage>]) for details.
[ 12.50%] ··· Setting up ok
[ 12.50%] ··· benchmarks_03_solidangles.SolidAngle.time_00_light 961±0ms
[ 25.00%] ··· benchmarks_03_solidangles.SolidAngle.time_01_unitvectors 978±0ms
[ 37.50%] ··· benchmarks_03_solidangles.SolidAngle.time_03_etendue_check 49.0±0ms
[ 50.00%] ··· benchmarks_03_solidangles.SolidAngle.time_04_etendue_summed 49.8±0ms
@obrejank , you can forget about issue #653 , the routine now exist and they just need your optimization expertise :-)
You can create a new branch from devel and forget about the rest
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