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Soil flux visualization

Plotting of soil CO2 flux changes based on concentrations measured with eosFD device from Eosense.

Table of contents

Data upload

Simply just upload .csv file obtained from the eosFD device (see example csv file here). Any further table formatting is not necessary. Data can be easily filtered by date directly in the app.

App produces hrbrthemes flavoured plots of either CO2 concentration in soil/atmosphere or CO2 flux.

Plot types

Where to try app

There are two options to access the app:

  • online web app hosted on
  • or start your local installation of R language and paste following code which automatically downloads prerequisties and starts app:
install.packages(c("shiny", "shinythemes", "readr", "tidyverse", "Rmisc", "tools", "shinycssloaders", "showtext", "hrbrthemes", "devtools", "svglite"))
runGitHub("Soil_flux_app", "Vojczech")