A Leiningen plugin that generates files based on the instructions in project.clj.
This is useful for generating artefacts outside of src such as configuration files etc.
Use this for project-level plugins:
Put [lein-filegen "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj.
To use lein-filegen you'll need to add a :filegen vector into your project.clj.
The filegen vector contains a hash which prescribes how to generate a file. It needs to know:
file to generate:data
from which to generate the file:template-fn
to transform the data into the string which will be written to the file:requires
, an optional argument to require any namespaces for the template-fn to work
In full it looks something like this:
:filegen [{:data {:environment ~(System/getenv "ENVIRONMENT")
:database-url ~(System/getenv "DATABASE_URL")}
:requires '[clojure.data.json :refer [write-str]]
:template-fn write-str
:target "resources/configuration/config.json"}]
The above takes the data and converts it to a json file.
As it's a vector filegen can take multiple hash instructions for different files.
$ lein filegen
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.