As you can see on my clip video I made google home get data from twitter api and talk back to me ! (Very Cool right ? OWO )
- Javascript
- Nodejs
- Dotenv
- Express
- Twitter for Node.js
- Nodemailer
- Axois
- Twitter Dev Account
- Google Action
- Heroku
it's pretty easy so
- We talk to google home and it will sent request to our API
- Than our API Will get the request and send the request to Twitter API to get the newest 10 tweets
- The Twitter API will send all the datas as Json to our API
- Than our API Will process all the datas and random 1 tweet from 10 tweets (So we don't get the same tweet everytime we call google home) and send it to our google assistant
So They have 2 (+1) folders, All of them have comments to show you how they work (Read it if you want)
This is folder for Google Action Console. It will tell Our Google Assistant to get the data from our API
This folder will create an API to process datas and send data back to google server
This is the same as NodeJS (API) but if you watch my video till the end. you will see that after the google assistant Talked to us, my printer will print the respond that google said. This is easy but your printer need to have function that can print using email