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Add Visvalingam Whyatt Simplifier (onthegomap#1109)
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msbarry authored Nov 25, 2024
1 parent 292dc78 commit cbeba1b
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package com.onthegomap.planetiler.benchmarks;

import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.DouglasPeuckerSimplifier;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.VWSimplifier;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.Format;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.util.FunctionThatThrows;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.time.Duration;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.CoordinateXY;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.util.GeometricShapeFactory;

public class BenchmarkSimplify {
private static int numLines;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
time(" DP(0.1)", geom -> DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.simplify(geom, 0.1));
time(" DP(1)", geom -> DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.simplify(geom, 1));
time(" DP(20)", geom -> DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.simplify(geom, 20));
time(" JTS VW(0)", geom -> org.locationtech.jts.simplify.VWSimplifier.simplify(geom, 0.01));
time("JTS VW(0.1)", geom -> org.locationtech.jts.simplify.VWSimplifier.simplify(geom, 0.1));
time(" JTS VW(1)", geom -> org.locationtech.jts.simplify.VWSimplifier.simplify(geom, 1));
time(" JTS VW(20)", geom -> org.locationtech.jts.simplify.VWSimplifier.simplify(geom, 20));
time(" VW(0)", geom -> new VWSimplifier().setTolerance(0).setWeight(0.7).transform(geom));
time(" VW(0.1)", geom -> new VWSimplifier().setTolerance(0.1).setWeight(0.7).transform(geom));
time(" VW(1)", geom -> new VWSimplifier().setTolerance(1).setWeight(0.7).transform(geom));
time(" VW(20)", geom -> new VWSimplifier().setTolerance(20).setWeight(0.7).transform(geom));

private static void time(String name, FunctionThatThrows<Geometry, Geometry> fn) throws Exception {
timePerSec(makeLines(2), fn),
timePerSec(makeLines(10), fn),
timePerSec(makeLines(50), fn),
timePerSec(makeLines(100), fn),
timePerSec(makeLines(10_000), fn)

private static String timePerSec(Geometry geometry, FunctionThatThrows<Geometry, Geometry> fn)
throws Exception {
long start = System.nanoTime();
long end = start + Duration.ofSeconds(1).toNanos();
int num = 0;
boolean first = true;
for (; System.nanoTime() < end;) {
numLines += fn.apply(geometry).getNumPoints();
if (first) {
first = false;
return Format.defaultInstance()
.numeric(Math.round(num * 1d / ((System.nanoTime() - start) * 1d / Duration.ofSeconds(1).toNanos())), true);

private static String timeMillis(Geometry geometry, FunctionThatThrows<Geometry, Geometry> fn)
throws Exception {
long start = System.nanoTime();
long end = start + Duration.ofSeconds(1).toNanos();
int num = 0;
for (; System.nanoTime() < end;) {
numLines += fn.apply(geometry).getNumPoints();
// equivalent of toPrecision(3)
long nanosPer = (System.nanoTime() - start) / num;
var bd = new BigDecimal(nanosPer, new MathContext(3));
return Format.padRight(Duration.ofNanos(bd.longValue()).toString().replace("PT", ""), 6);

private static Geometry makeLines(int parts) {
var shapeFactory = new GeometricShapeFactory();
shapeFactory.setCentre(new CoordinateXY(0, 0));
return shapeFactory.createCircle();
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryException;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeometryType;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.SimplifyMethod;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.SourceFeature;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.Struct;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.render.FeatureRenderer;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,6 +503,9 @@ public final class Feature implements WithZoomRange<Feature>, WithAttrs<Feature>
private double pixelToleranceAtMaxZoom = config.simplifyToleranceAtMaxZoom();
private ZoomFunction<Number> pixelTolerance = null;

private SimplifyMethod defaultSimplifyMethod = SimplifyMethod.DOUGLAS_PEUCKER;
private ZoomFunction<SimplifyMethod> simplifyMethod = null;

private String numPointsAttr = null;
private List<OverrideCommand> partialOverrides = null;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,6 +718,28 @@ public double getPixelToleranceAtZoom(int zoom) {
ZoomFunction.applyAsDoubleOrElse(pixelTolerance, zoom, defaultPixelTolerance);

* Sets the fallback line and polygon simplify method when not overriden by *
* {@link #setSimplifyMethodOverrides(ZoomFunction)}.
public FeatureCollector.Feature setSimplifyMethod(SimplifyMethod strategy) {
defaultSimplifyMethod = strategy;
return this;

/** Set simplification algorithm to use at different zoom levels. */
public FeatureCollector.Feature setSimplifyMethodOverrides(ZoomFunction<SimplifyMethod> overrides) {
simplifyMethod = overrides;
return this;

* Returns the simplification method for lines and polygons in tile pixels at {@code zoom}.
public SimplifyMethod getSimplifyMethodAtZoom(int zoom) {
return ZoomFunction.applyOrElse(simplifyMethod, zoom, defaultSimplifyMethod);

* Sets the simplification tolerance for lines and polygons in tile pixels below the maximum zoom-level of the map.
* <p>
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
package com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator;

* A min-heap stored in an array where each element has 4 children.
* <p>
* This is about 5-10% faster than the standard binary min-heap for the case of merging sorted lists.
* <p>
* Ported from <a href=
* "">GraphHopper</a>
* and:
* <ul>
* <li>modified to use {@code double} values instead of {@code float}</li>
* <li>extracted a common interface for subclass implementations</li>
* <li>modified so that each element has 4 children instead of 2 (improves performance by 5-10%)</li>
* <li>performance improvements to minimize array lookups</li>
* </ul>
* @see <a href="">d-ary heap (wikipedia)</a>
class ArrayDoubleMinHeap implements DoubleMinHeap {
protected static final int NOT_PRESENT = -1;
protected final int[] posToId;
protected final int[] idToPos;
protected final double[] posToValue;
protected final int max;
protected int size;
private final IntBinaryOperator tieBreaker;

* @param elements the number of elements that can be stored in this heap. Currently the heap cannot be resized or
* shrunk/trimmed after initial creation. elements-1 is the maximum id that can be stored in this heap
ArrayDoubleMinHeap(int elements, IntBinaryOperator tieBreaker) {
// we use an offset of one to make the arithmetic a bit simpler/more efficient, the 0th elements are not used!
posToId = new int[elements + 1];
idToPos = new int[elements + 1];
Arrays.fill(idToPos, NOT_PRESENT);
posToValue = new double[elements + 1];
posToValue[0] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
this.max = elements;
this.tieBreaker = tieBreaker;

private static int firstChild(int index) {
return (index << 2) - 2;

private static int parent(int index) {
return (index + 2) >> 2;

public int size() {
return size;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;

public void push(int id, double value) {
if (size == max) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot push anymore, the heap is already full. size: " + size);
if (contains(id)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Element with id: " + id +
" was pushed already, you need to use the update method if you want to change its value");
posToId[size] = id;
idToPos[id] = size;
posToValue[size] = value;

public boolean contains(int id) {
return idToPos[id] != NOT_PRESENT;

public void update(int id, double value) {
int pos = idToPos[id];
if (pos < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The heap does not contain: " + id + ". Use the contains method to check this before calling update");
double prev = posToValue[pos];
posToValue[pos] = value;
int cmp = compareIdPos(value, prev, id, pos);
if (cmp > 0) {
} else if (cmp < 0) {

public void updateHead(double value) {
posToValue[1] = value;

public int peekId() {
return posToId[1];

public double peekValue() {
return posToValue[1];

public int poll() {
int id = peekId();
posToId[1] = posToId[size];
posToValue[1] = posToValue[size];
idToPos[posToId[1]] = 1;
idToPos[id] = NOT_PRESENT;
return id;

public void clear() {
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
idToPos[posToId[i]] = NOT_PRESENT;
size = 0;

private void percolateUp(int pos) {
assert pos != 0;
if (pos == 1) {
final int id = posToId[pos];
final double val = posToValue[pos];
// the finish condition (index==0) is covered here automatically because we set vals[0]=-inf
int parent;
double parentValue;
while (compareIdPos(val, parentValue = posToValue[parent = parent(pos)], id, parent) < 0) {
posToValue[pos] = parentValue;
idToPos[posToId[pos] = posToId[parent]] = pos;
pos = parent;
posToId[pos] = id;
posToValue[pos] = val;
idToPos[posToId[pos]] = pos;

private void checkIdInRange(int id) {
if (id < 0 || id >= max) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal id: " + id + ", legal range: [0, " + max + "[");

private void percolateDown(int pos) {
if (size == 0) {
assert pos > 0;
assert pos <= size;
final int id = posToId[pos];
final double value = posToValue[pos];
int child;
while ((child = firstChild(pos)) <= size) {
// optimization: this is a very hot code path for performance of k-way merging,
// so manually-unroll the loop over the 4 child elements to find the minimum value
int minChild = child;
double minValue = posToValue[child], childValue;
if (++child <= size) {
if (comparePosPos(childValue = posToValue[child], minValue, child, minChild) < 0) {
minChild = child;
minValue = childValue;
if (++child <= size) {
if (comparePosPos(childValue = posToValue[child], minValue, child, minChild) < 0) {
minChild = child;
minValue = childValue;
if (++child <= size &&
comparePosPos(childValue = posToValue[child], minValue, child, minChild) < 0) {
minChild = child;
minValue = childValue;
if (compareIdPos(value, minValue, id, minChild) <= 0) {
posToValue[pos] = minValue;
idToPos[posToId[pos] = posToId[minChild]] = pos;
pos = minChild;
posToId[pos] = id;
posToValue[pos] = value;
idToPos[id] = pos;

private int comparePosPos(double val1, double val2, int pos1, int pos2) {
if (val1 < val2) {
return -1;
} else if (val1 == val2 && val1 != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return tieBreaker.applyAsInt(posToId[pos1], posToId[pos2]);
return 1;

private int compareIdPos(double val1, double val2, int id1, int pos2) {
if (val1 < val2) {
return -1;
} else if (val1 == val2 && val1 != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return tieBreaker.applyAsInt(id1, posToId[pos2]);
return 1;


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