Understand how the adiabatic temperature curves change with changing first order magnetocaloric material data properties.
These are files that creates and interactive app in jupyter notebook so a student can play with the specific heat of a hypothetical magnetocaloric material and understand how the adiabatic temperature curves change. The model is based around a mathematical description found in a REF 1.
This repository has been optimized to work using binder.org which allows people without python installed to run this code: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/TheoChristiaanse/TadFromS/master?filepath=Sliders%20Hyst%20App.ipynb
This app is based around a series of open source python apps created to understand the functioning of the AMR and magnetocaloric materials. Other apps include a 1D numerical model and a Preisach model.
T. V. Christiaanse, O. Campbell, P. V. Trevizoli, S. Misra, D. van Asten, L. Zhang, P. Govindappa, I. Niknia, R. Teyber and A. Rowe A concise approach for building the s-T diagram for Mn–Fe–P–Si hysteretic magnetocaloric material Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 50, Number 36 http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6463/aa7bcd