Request Type
Work Environment
Question | Answer |
OS version (server) | Debian |
OS version (client) | Windows 10 |
Virtualized Env. | True |
Dedicated RAM | 32 GB |
vCPU | 12 |
TheHive version / git hash | 4.1.4 |
Package Type | DEB |
Database | Cassandra |
Index type | Lucene |
Attachments storage | Local |
Browser type & version | Latest Chrome and Firefox |
Bonus : screen resolution | 1920x1080 |
Problem Description
It is possible to make the edit button for the description field of a case disappear by editing this description field with just a line break.
Steps to Reproduce
- Edit the description of a case
- Empty everything
- Add a line break (which should be the only thing in your description)
- Save the description
- The pencil is now reachable by just one pixel
Complementary information
Editing the description with just a line break