Request Type
Work Environment
Question | Answer |
OS version (server) | Ubuntu |
OS version (client) | 10 |
TheHive version / git hash | 4.0.4 |
Package Type | DEB |
Browser type & version | Chrome |
Problem Description
After upgrading from TheHive 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 all the case tasks created in previous versions are no longer showed in the web interface. It shows that there are tasks (e.g. "Tasks List (0 of 12)") but are not showed.
application.log shows an error related to "actionRequired"
[ERROR] from in [|] Response stream for [POST /api/v1/query] failed with 'The provided traverser does not map to a value: v[2703540376]->[JanusGraphVertexStep(IN,[ShareTask],edge), TraversalFilterStep([EdgeVertexStep(OUT), JanusGraphVertexStep(IN,[OrganisationShare],vertex), NoOpBarrierStep(2500), HasStep([~id.eq(4152)])]), JanusGraphPropertiesStep([actionRequired],value)]'. Aborting connection.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The provided traverser does not map to a value: v[2703540376]->[JanusGraphVertexStep(IN,[ShareTask],edge), TraversalFilterStep([EdgeVertexStep(OUT), JanusGraphVertexStep(IN,[OrganisationShare],vertex), NoOpBarrierStep(2500), HasStep([~id.eq(4152)])]), JanusGraphPropertiesStep([actionRequired],value)]
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.TraversalUtil.apply(
I have been able to get the tasks via API removing "actionRequired" from the query. Instead of:
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query":[{"_name":"getCase","idOrName":"~2990170120"},{"_name":"tasks"},{"_name":"filter","_not":{"_field":"status","_value":"Cancel"}},{"_name":"sort","_fields":[{"flag":"desc"},{"order":"asc"},{"startDate":"asc"},{"title":"asc"}]},{"_name":"page","from":0,"to":15,"extraData":["shareCount","actionRequired"]}]}'
This query works
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query":[{"_name":"getCase","idOrName":"~2990170120"},{"_name":"tasks"},{"_name":"filter","_not":{"_field":"status","_value":"Cancel"}},{"_name":"sort","_fields":[{"flag":"desc"},{"order":"asc"},{"startDate":"asc"},{"title":"asc"}]},{"_name":"page","from":0,"to":15,"extraData":["shareCount"]}]}'
It seems that tasks created in previous versions does not have the "actionRequired" field that is a feature of TheHive 4.0.4.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create some tasks in TheHive 4.0.2
- Upgrade to TheHive 4.0.4
- Try to view these tasks in the web interface
Possible Solutions
I guess that the solution is upgrade all the tasks to v4.0.4 (adding the field "actionRequired") or modify the task methods to support legacy tasks.