Hi! 👋
I'm a graduate chemist, software developer, and author with a background in carbon-based (organic) photovolatics, pattern-matching, and data processing.
I mostly work in C# and PowerShell, as well as synthetic chemistry.
I helped write and edit a book!
If you're interested in taking your PowerShell further, please consider! 100% of profits go to the DevOps Collective's OnRamp Track Scholarships.
Here's a list of awesome people that helped make this book possible:
- ZanattaMichael (Editor-in-Chief, Author)
- stevenjudd (Senior Editor)
- billkindle (Senior Editor)
- alta4096 (Author)
- dohminion (Author)
- mattcorr (Author)
- MichaelLotter (Author)
- fbinotto (Author)
- exchange12rocks (Author, Technical Editor)
- kjacobsen (Author, Technical Editor)
- KevinLaux (Author, Quality Assurance)
- jborean93 (Technical Editor)
- jhoughes (Technical Editor)
- Stahler (Technical Editor)
- allen-chin (Linguistic Editor)
- boxstack (Linguistic Editor)
- CJZ-14 (Linguistic Editor)
- marclancy (Linguistic Editor)
- Morgorath (Linguistic Editor)
- chadmando (Linguistic Editor)
- ZanattaAmy (Cover Designer)
- robderickson (Quality Assurance)
- essentialexch (Quality Assurance)
- psjamesp (DevOps Collective Sponsor)
I also sell chemical samples, pigments, and craft/DIY science supplies.