Curious 🤔 Software Engineer based in USA.
I love exploring new technologies and I am practicing my ☁️ 💻Cloud Engineering skills to broaden my skill set. I have already completed my AWS Solutions Architect Certification certification and am on my way to completing Solution Architect certification.
- 👨🎓 I graduated with a Masters in Computer Science from UC Irvine
- 👨💻 I was a Software Developer and Intern at @SAP
- 🔭 I worked on Human Good Network Web App
- 🌱 I’m currently practising serverless architecture on AWS, and learning how to play 🎹Piano
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects that will allow me to hone my web development skills and learn machine learning models
- 🏃 If I am not working, you will find me 🥾⛰️:Hiking, Running or Reading
- 💬 Ask me about Java, AWS, Spring Boot, React, Javascript, MySQL, MongoDB, REST
- ⚡ Fun fact: I used to play Tabla, Piano and played 🏐Volleyball for my High School Team