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MarkL edited this page Mar 5, 2014 · 15 revisions

Configuration Process

When you first run CorsixTH, a configuration file will be created, and (unless the installer did it for you) you'll be prompted for the location of the Theme Hospital data files. This will be remembered in the configuration file for future usage. Once the Theme Hospital directory is properly set, other common settings like language and screen resolution can be set from the Settings Menu on the main menu. finally, some in-game options like the speed of the game or whether announcements should be turned on can be changed from within the game's Options menu.

Location of Configuration File

Should you need to edit your configuration file by hand, you'll need to find it first. By default, the CorsixTH configuration file is stored in the following location:

NOTE: If after making changes (either direct in the config file or from one of the menus) you find the game will no longer start, you can delete the config.txt file and then try and run the game again. The game will now ask you where the TH data is located just as it did on the first install (unless the installer did it for you the first time) and it will create a new config file for you with standard settings.

Operating System Location (typical)
Linux / OS X ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/CorsixTH/config.txt or ~/.config/CorsixTH/config.txt
Windows $(APPDATA)\CorsixTH\config.txt
Windows (95 / 98) C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\CorsixTH\config.txt
Windows (2000 / XP) C:\Documents and Settings\$(User)\Application Data\CorsixTH\config.txt
Windows (Vista / 7 / 8) C:\Users\$(User)\AppData\Roaming\CorsixTH\config.txt

You can override the location of the configuration file by passing the --config-file=filename command-line option, or by creating a file called config.path.txt alongside CorsixTH.lua and writing a filename in that file.

###Configuration Options

Some of these can also be changed from within the game. Any marked N/A can presently only be changed in the config.txt file.

Option Description Location in the game
fullscreen Controls whether CorsixTH runs in full-screen mode or in a window. Settings menu
width, height The size (in pixels) of the CorsixTH window. Settings menu
language The name or code of the language to use for in-game text and speech. Settings menu
theme_hospital_install A directory which contains the original Theme Hospital data files. Should contain subdirectories called DATA, QDATA, LEVELS, etc. Settings menu
unicode_font If using freetype this is the font file to use. Folders menu
free_build_mode You can choose that you cannot win or lose custom made maps and also don't have to worry about money. Custom Games menu
play_sounds & sound_volume Turn sound off or on and set the volume Options menu
play_announcements & announcement_volume Turn announcements off or on and set the volume Options menu
play_music & music_volume Turn music off or on and set the volume Options menu
prevent_edge_scrolling Prevent edge scrolling Options menu
adviser_disabled Turn off or on the adviser Options menu or Shift+A in-game
twentyfour_hour_clock Set the time clock at the menu bar to display the time in AM/PM or twentyfour hours. Options menu
warmth_colors_display_default This specifies which display method is set for warmth colours by default. Options menu
audio Global on/off setting for in-game speech and sound effects. Settings menu
audio_channels The number of audio channels (1 for mono, or 2 for stereo) N/A
audio_frequency, audio_buffer_size The number of audio samples per channel per second to play, and the number of samples per channel to store in a buffer. Higher frequency and lower buffer size may result in better audio, but only if your computer is fast enough. N/A
audio_mp3 A directory containing MP3 files to play instead of the default MIDI background tunes. Folders menu
play_intro Disable or enable the intro movie. Customise menu
scrolling_momentum Determines the amount of momentum when scrolling the map with the middle mouse button. N/A
volume_opens_casebook Use Shift + C to resolve the issue where both C and the keyboard volume down could open the Drug Casebook. Customise menu
alien_dna_only_by_emergency Allows you to decide if you want alien patients other than by an emergency Customise menu
alien_dna_must_stand Allows you to decide if you want to allow aliens to sit N/A
alien_dna_can_knock_on_doors Allows you to decide of you want aliens to knock on doors N/A
disable_fractured_bones_females Allows you to allow female patients with Fractured Bones Customise menu
check_for_updates Allow the game to tell you when there is an updated version of CorsixTH available N/A
zoom_speed So you can control how fast you zoom in/out (not available with SDL) N/A
scroll_speed So you can control how fast you scroll in the game N/A
debug Controls the presence of various debugging / development options. N/A
track_fps Controls the visibility of frames-per-second and other useful values in the dynamic information bar. If enabled, then the FPS limiter will be disabled, resulting in higher CPU utilisation. N/A
player_name The name you wish to be referred to as in the game Campaign menu
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