├── src │ ├── main.py │ └── model_evaluation.py ├── README.md ├── eda.ipynb ├── requirements.txt └── run.sh
The default command for the shell script is as follows: $ python ./src/main.py --db_path ./data/fishing.db
TO SELECT MODEL PARAMETERS: usage: main.py [-h] [--db_path DB_PATH]
Settings optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --db_path DB_PATH Database directory: default = './data/fishing.db'
NOTE: Default filepath is relative to this the execution of the run.sh directory, edit this command to specify another path or an absolute path.
1 - Injest Data: Setup connection to database and query for data 2 - Pre-processing: - Remove duplicate rows. - Check for invalid and erroneous data: - Change pressure data label to uppercase. - Handle Sunshine Negative Hours. - Handle missing data. - Identify with column has missing data. - Plot the distribution curve for the numerical data. - Replace missing numerical data with mean or median depending on the distribution curve. - Replace missing categorical data with mode. - Handle Outliers - Correlation Analysis - Drop irrelevant and redundant rows. 3 - One hot encoding for categorical columns. 4 - Feature scaling using scikit_learn StandardScaler. 5 - Handle imbalanced data. 6 - Split Data - This process splits the data into its required train and test set. 7 - Fit Data - Fits the training data using the all/selected machine learning model. 8 - Predict - Makes a prediction on the test data. 9 - Evaluate - Evaluates and print results.(Confusion Matrix, Accuracy and classification report.)
- There are 1182 duplicate rows.
- Columns [Pressure9am, Pressure3pm] have labels that consist of both upper and lower case. Resolved it by converting all to uppercase.
- There are negative hours in [Sunshine]. Convert the negative values to absolute.
- Columns with missing data[except RainToday] are less than 3%. As the number is not significant, it can be resolved by filling them with mean, median and mode.
- For the [RainToday] column, it can be removed as it is redundant information since it can be defined by RainFall( >1.0mm is defined has rain else no rain.)
- There are outliers in the numerical columns but as the total number of outliers (about 30%) is significant, thus decided not to remove them.
- Drop the [Date] and [ ColorOfBoat] columns as they are not relevant. Drop the [RainToday] column as it is redundant for the above-mentioned reason. Drop [Cloud3pm] as it has a strong negative correlation of -0.7 with [Sunshine] column.
- The dependent parameter [ RainTomorrow ] is not balanced. It has 9080 'No' and 2735 'Yes'. Use SMOTE() to do oversampling.
Classification, Metrics & Results - Recall value is the proportion of true positive predictions among all actual positive instances (all rainy days). - A high recall means the model is capturing most of the rainy days, even if it also produces some false alarms. - Overall accuracy is also used as a secondary metric for model selection. A higher accuracy is an indication of a better-fit model.
Ensemble Classifier corresponding recall values and accuracy are:
- Ensemble Classifier: Recall (0.82)/ Accuracy (0.99)
- K Nearest Neighbors Classifier: Recall (0.73)/ Accuracy (0.98)
- Random Forest Classifier: Recall (0.84)/ Accuracy (0.99)
- Support Vector Machine: Recall (0.81)/ Accuracy (0.99)
- Gradient Boosting Classifier: Recall (0.84)/ Accuracy (0.98)
- Decision Tree Classifier: Recall (0.84)/ Accuracy (0.98)
- AdaBoost Classifier: Recall (0.80)/ Accuracy (0.99)
Cross Validation Scores:
- KNN - Average cross-validation score: 0.9354520082122955
- RandomForest - Average cross-validation score: 0.9446175572910047
- SupportVector - Average cross-validation score: 0.8906970207982011
- GradientBoosting - Average cross-validation score: 0.8768619457980906
- DecisionTree - Average cross-validation score: 0.9180210821033544
- AdaBoost - Average cross-validation score: 0.8490839888690136
Area under the curve score:
- KNN - Auroc: 0.9119082043963748
- RandomForest - Auroc: 0.9216989634970708
- SupportVector - Auroc: 0.9129018326573533
- GradientBoosting - Auroc: 0.9111868459265936
- DecisionTree - Auroc: 0.8971555630664463
- AdaBoost - Auroc: 0.9134917505382805
Random Forest Classifier(RFC) - Our goal is to determine whether it will rain tomorrow. Missing rainy days (not predicting rain when it actually rains) is more problematic, thus should focus on recall value. - RFC model has a high recall value of 83% for predicting rain tomorrow which means that the model is capturing most of the rainy days, even if it also produces some false alarms. - This is the recommended choice of model to be used for deployment as it has the highest recall value of 83% as well as the highest overall accuracy of 99%. - The cross validation and AUROC score are pretty high at (0.94) and (0.92) respectively.
Demo: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/TheAI-Lady/rain-classifier-project/blob/master/eda_rain.ipynb