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The GeoStack Project edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 36 revisions

GeoStack - News

20240910Tu: Datasets of Swedish Cranes and Crane Lita added to Workshop-Datasets folder in GeoStack-Workshop repository.

  • Be aware there is now a Workshop-Dataset folder added to the GeoStack-Workshop repository because some of the datasets required for the tutorials in the Workshop Cookbook can not be downloaded online anymore. Instead they are downloadable from the Workshop-Datasets folder in the GeoStack-Workshop repository at the following link: Datasets of Swedish Cranes and Crane Lita

20220104Tu: The GeoStack Project Referenced by a 'Top Writer' on the Famous Learning Platform 'Medium'!

  • On Tuesday 04-01-2022, The GeoStack Project was referenced as one of the best Opensource Geographical Software Stack Courses. This was done by a writer called Abdishakur, who is one of Medium's top writers. He describes The GeoStack Project as "...the most detailed and hands-on resource I came across. It has manuals and video tutorials and can help you be a well-versed Geospatial developer". The full article can be found by clicking on the following link: 3 New Resources for your Frond-End Geospatial Learning in 2022.

20220104Tu: Learning tip - An Awesome Roadmap for Geospatial DevOps!

  • We recently found an awesome article about an application roadmap used for learning Backend, Middleware and Frontend Geospatial Programming. This roadmap was published by Tek Kshetri & Emmanuel Jolaiya on the well known Geospatial Information Website GISLounge.

20201104We: The GeoStack Project Workshop has been tested on Ubuntu 20.10!

  • As of Wednesday 04-11-2020, The GeoStack Workshop has been tested on Ubuntu 20.10! Besides a few minor errors during the installation process, the workshop works on Ubuntu 20.10. The installation issues (described on the wiki page: "Known issues") will be mitigated in version 1.0.0 of The GeoStack Project. For now it's advised to still use Ubuntu LTS 20.04!

20201014We: The GeoStack Project goes online!

  • The repositories of the The GeoStack Project and the project's YouTube Channel are online as of midday, October 14, 2020!