On a debian machine, have Ansible Install Zsh, Oh-my-zsh Ultimate vim distro (spf13), synergy, git, kdiff3, exuberant-ctags, and more
WARNING: this is a total mess its like ellis island except for forlorn shellscripts that setup an env
I need to clean it up, but instead I keep bolting on more!
If you find things broken please open an issue in the queue
For this method you will need to have installed sudo and curl already and given yourself the sudo
group or equivalent privileges, then incant
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Thalhalla/thalhalla-playbook/master/bootstrapThalhalla.sh | bash
first as root you'll have to install build-essential (or make and friends if you are really into the manual thing)
apt-get install -y build-essential
now try the init recipe which acquire sudo and all the groups for your user
make init
Then you can use the debian recipe:
make debian
There is support for ArchLinux in here, but it is experimental of note
make initarch
make arch
should get you equivalent packages to the debian side of things YMMV
There is also a script to install the black arch repos for security related tasks
make blackarch
there are a few recipes for video and audio that can be incanted on their own, they are included in the overall debian and arch recipes though
Keychain is executed at login by either .zshrc
or .bash_profile
`` make spacevim
Now deprecated is the old
[SPF13](http://vim.spf13.com/) is the ultimate Distribution of VIM read more on their [site](http://vim.spf13.com/)
#### Zsh
[ZSH](http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Intro/) is still a bourne shell derivative, I still write all my scripts in bash, but interactively I greatly prefer ZSH
try `cd /u/s/d/pass` and then hit `TAB` and watch that expand to `cd /usr/share/doc/passwd` and you may begin to see why I like zsh
#### Go
Go is installed and ~/.golang is set as GOPATH
#### Ruby
Ruby 2.1 is installed via rvm and then bundler is installed to take care of the Gemfile within which all gems will be installed
#### Nodejs
Yarn and gatsby are intalled through npm along with a few other goodies
###### Historical
Adapted from [this](https://github.com/lmacken/ansible-hacker-playbook) originally, but it was yum, not apt, so I made my own
For more related errata look here: