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Devi Acharya edited this page Feb 17, 2018 · 8 revisions

We now have our information block, now let's add a tool for this block:

  • It should work like the other items known from the inventory (icon, equipable, ...)
  • It should have a cool icon, why not use some glasses to retrieve the information?
  • It should help us to get our information really fast ;) Ok, we have a new block, let's add a tool to work with the block. Items are defined as prefabs and are commonly based on the engine:iconItem or a subtype of it. In terms of programming, this is like an extension. You may want to have a look at the engine prefabs iconItem.prefab and itemBase.prefab to see what is defined by default.

The icon for a tool is defined as a Texture Atlas. For the additional damage, we need a special Damage Type.

We need only one icon for our glasses. There are three spaces left on the atlas texture for your own experiments (32x32 texture and one 16x16 icon on the top left):

  1. Add the image to assets/textures/tutorialTools.png.

  2. Now we will create an atlas, to tell the game where the icon is located:

    Create a new file for the atlas at assets/atlas/tutorialTools.atlas with the following content:

        "texture" : "TutorialAssetSystem:tutorialTools",
        "textureSize" : [32, 32],
        "grid" : {
            "tileSize" : [16, 16],
            "gridDimensions" : [2, 2],
            "tileNames" : [
                "theGlasses", "", "", ""

    As you can see, we defined an atlas for a 32x32 texture, with a size of 16x16 for each icon and an overall dimension of 2x2 tiles. The first tile

    • texture points to our png file
    • textureSize defines the overall size of the atlas texture
    • grid defines the size of each tile and the dimensions of the entire atlas
    • tileNames is a list of the icons. As our atlas contains only one item, we have only the glasses :)
  3. Now bring it all together and define the prefab for the item:

    Create a new file at assets/prefabs/theGlasses.prefab with the following content:

        "parent" : "engine:iconItem",
        "DisplayName" : {
            "name" : "The Glasses"
        "Item" : {
            "icon" : "TutorialAssetSystem:tutorialTools#theGlasses",
            "damageType" : "TutorialAssetSystem:glassesDamage"
    • parent is the parent prefab. The engine:iconItem defines most of the stuff required for a default item.
    • DisplayName should be self explanatory
    • The icon defines the icon from our atlas. The path reads as: Search in the TutorialAssetSystem module for an atlas named tutorialTools and use the icon with the name theGlasses.
    • The damageType refers to the damageTypes prefabs. We will define now in a new file at assets/prefabs/damageTypes/glassesDamage.prefab with the following content:
        "parent" : "engine:physicalDamage",
        "blockDamageModifier" : {
            "materialDamageMultiplier" : {"information" : 21}

    Remember the block category we used in the Add New Block?

        "displayName": "Information",
        "categories" : ["information"],
        "hardness": 42    

    The materialDamageMultiplier refers to the categories values. Multiple entries can be added to both fields using a comma-separated list (image something like a chest which is a wooden item but may also be some kind of furniture).

    • We used the physicalDamage from the engine as default, as it is the common one for tools.
    • The damage modifier refers to the material category from our block definition. Our glasses should do 21 times the damage of a pickaxe on our information block.

You can now give yourself your glasses ingame using give theGlasses. If you placed the information block using the steps from above, you should be able to smash it super fast with your brand new glasses ;)