Slua-unreal is an unreal4 plugin, which allows you to use Lua language to develop game logic and hot fix your code. It gives you 3 ways to wrap your C++ interface to Lua, including reflection by blueprint, C++ template and static code generation. It also enables a two-way communication between blueprint and Lua. The advantage of Lua over C++ is that it requires no compilation for logic change, which significantly speeds up game development process.
Slua-unreal is currently adopted in PUBG mobile game, one of Tencent’s most-played and highest-grossing mobile games, and Pandora system. This system is widely used in Tencent’s UE4 gaming business, helping the business build and maintain its commercial operation system.
Release 1.3.3, fix a crash bug, more stable
Release 1.3.2, fix building error on UE 4.24
Add a branch to support UE 4.25 or later
- Automatic export of blueprint API to the Lua interface
- Supporting RPC (Remote Procedure Call) functions
- Overriding any blueprint function with a Lua function
- Calling Lua functions as callback functions for blueprint events
- Normal C++ functions and classes exported by C++ template
- Auto code generation to wrap your normal C++ function for use in Lua
- Supporting enum, FVector etc
- Operator overloading in FVector or other struct class
- Allowing manual addition of a non-blueprint function to UObject
- Calling Lua functions from blueprint, vice versa
- Dead loop detection and error reporting when a dead loop is detected
- Multi-state for different runtime environments
- CPU profiling
- Multithread Lua GC (Garbage Collection)
- 通过蓝图反射机制,自动导出unreal 4的蓝图api到lua接口
- 支持rpc函数调用
- 支持复写任何蓝图函数,包括rpc函数,用lua函数替代
- 支持以lua function作为蓝图事件的回调函数
- 支持普通c++函数和类 通过静态代码生成或者泛型代码展开导出到lua接口,同时支持与蓝图接口交互
- 完整支持了unreal4的枚举,并导出了全部枚举值到lua
- 支持FVector等非蓝图类,同时支持操作符重载
- 支持扩展方法,将某些未标记为蓝图方法的函数,手动添加到蓝图类中,例如UUserWidget的GetWidgetFromName方法。
- 支持从蓝图中调入lua,并接收lua返回值,支持任意参数类型和任意参数个数。
- 支持蓝图out标记参数,支持c++非const引用作为out类型参数返回。
- 自动检查脚本死循环,当代码运行超时自动报错。
- 支持多luastate实例,用于创建不同运行环境的luastate。
- lua代码支持cpu profile
- lua 多线程 GC
- 性能分析工具,支持连接真机分析
我们开发了专门的vs code调试插件,支持真机调试,断点,查看变量值,代码智能提示等功能。调试器自动识别可以使用的UE UFunction蓝图函数和CppBinding导出的接口函数,不需要额外导出静态数据。
We developed a tool integrated with VsCode to support in-device debugging, breakpoint, variable inspection and code IntelliSense. Debugger will auto-generate data for UE UFunction and export C++ functions with CppBinding.
-- import blueprint class to use
local Button = import('Button');
local ButtonStyle = import('ButtonStyle');
local TextBlock = import('TextBlock');
local SluaTestCase=import('SluaTestCase');
-- call static function of uclass
-- create Button
local btn=Button();
local txt=TextBlock();
-- load panel of blueprint
local ui=slua.loadUI('/Game/Panel.Panel');
-- add to show
-- find sub widget from the panel
local btn2=ui:FindWidget('Button1');
local index = 1
-- handle click event
print('say helloworld',index)
-- handle text changed event
local edit=ui:FindWidget('TextBox_0');
local evt=edit.OnTextChanged:Add(function(txt) print('text changed',txt) end);
-- use FVector
local p = actor:K2_GetActorLocation()
local h = HitResult()
local v = FVector(math.sin(tt)*100,2,3)
local offset = FVector(0,math.cos(tt)*50,0)
-- support Operator
local ok,h=actor:K2_SetActorLocation(v+offset,true,h,true)
-- get referenced value
print("hit info",h)
-- this function called by blueprint
function bpcall(a,b,c,d)
print("call from bp",a,b,c,d)
Output is:
Slua: call from bp 1024 Hello World 3.1400001049042 UObject: 0x136486168
-- LuaActor.lua
local LuaActor={}
-- override event from blueprint
function LuaActor:BeginPlay()
self.bCanEverTick = true
function LuaActor:Tick(dt)
-- call LuaActor function
local pos = self:K2_GetActorLocation()
-- can pass self as Actor*
local dist = self:GetHorizontalDistanceTo(self)
print("LuaActor pos",pos,dist)
return Class(nil, nil, LuaActor)
测试机器 MacOSX,Unreal 4.18 dev版(非release,release应该会稍微快一点),CPU i7 4GHz。
unit in second, 1,000,000 calls to C++ interface from Lua, compared reflection and cppbinding, (both reflection and cppbinding are supported by slua-unreal).
Test on MacOSX, Unreal 4.18 develop building, CPU i7 4GHz, test cases can be found in TestPerf.lua
Without the time spent on gc alloc, the blueprint reflection-based approach is twice as fast as the one using static code generation, while CppBinding is an order of magnitude faster than reflection.
蓝图反射方法(Reflection) | CppBinding方法(CppBinding) | |
空函数调用(empty function call) | 0.541507 | 0.090571 |
函数返回int(function return int) | 0.560052 | 0.090419 |
传入int函数返回int(function return int and pass int) | 0.587115 | 0.097639 |
传入Fstring函数返回int(function return FString and pass int) | 0.930042 | 0.223207 |
与slua unity版本相比,因为unreal的蓝图反射更高效,没有gc alloc开销,基于蓝图反射的方法的性能比slua unity的静态代码生成还要快1倍,而cppbinding则快一个数量级。
- 解决1.x版本的生命周期管理问题
- 解决1.x self.Super:Func() 调用,在蓝图有jump指令是崩溃的问题
- Lua模块支持类继承形式书写,例如:
-- LuaActor.lua
local LuaActor ={}
-- override event from blueprint
function LuaActor:ReceiveBeginPlay()
self.bCanEverTick = true
-- set bCanBeDamaged property in parent
self.bCanBeDamaged = false
-- override event from blueprint
function LuaActor:ReceiveEndPlay(reason)
return Class(nil, nil, LuaActor)
-- LuaBpActor.lua
local LuaBpActor = {}
-- override event from blueprint
function LuaBpActor:ReceiveBeginPlay()
-- call LuaActor super ReceiveBeginPlay
-- call blueprint super ReceiveBeginPlay
local CLuaActor = require("LuaActor")
-- CLuaActor is base class
return Class(CLuaActor, nil, LuaBpActor)
- 支持Lua定义RPC函数
-- LuaActor.lua
local LuaActor =
ServerRPC = {}, --C2S类RPC列表,类似UFUNCTION宏中的Server
ClientRPC = {}, --S2C类RPC列表,类似UFUNCTION宏中的Client
MulticastRPC = {}, --多播类RPC列表,类似UFUNCTION宏中的NetMulticast
local EPropertyClass = import("EPropertyClass")
LuaActor.ServerRPC.TestServerRPC = {
-- 是否可靠RPC
Reliable = true,
-- 定义参数列表
Params =
LuaActor.ClientRPC.TestClientRPC = {
-- 是否可靠RPC
Reliable = true,
-- 定义参数列表
Params =
LuaActor.MulticastRPC.TestMulticastRPC = {
-- 是否可靠RPC
Reliable = true,
-- 定义参数列表
Params =
function LuaActor:TestServerRPC(ArgInt, ArgStr, ArgBool)
function LuaActor:TestClientRPC(ArgInt, ArgStr, ArgBool)
function LuaActor:TestMulticastRPC(ArgInt, ArgStr, ArgBool)
- 支持Lua定义"值复制"信息,并且支持“条件值复制”、struct、数组
-- LuaActor.lua
local LuaActor ={}
function LuaActor:GetLifetimeReplicatedProps()
local ELifetimeCondition = import("ELifetimeCondition")
local FVectorType = import("Vector")
return {
{ "Name", ELifetimeCondition.COND_InitialOnly, EPropertyClass.Str},
{ "HP", ELifetimeCondition.COND_OwnerOnly, EPropertyClass.Float},
{ "Position", ELifetimeCondition.COND_SimulatedOnly, FVectorType},
{ "TeamateNameList", ELifetimeCondition.COND_None, EPropertyClass.Array, EPropertyClass.Str},
{ "TeamatePositions", ELifetimeCondition.COND_None, EPropertyClass.Array, FVectorType},
return Class(nil, nil, LuaActor)
- 被Override的Cpp函数里面可以直接调用对应Lua函数
-- MyActor.cpp
class MyActor : public Actor, public ILuaOverriderInterface
void CallDemoFunction()
CallLuaFunction<bool>(TEXT("IsTestEnable"), Arg1, Arg2);
-- MyActor.lua
local MyActor ={}
function MyActor:IsTestEnable(Arg1, Args)
return true
return Class(nil, nil, MyActor)
- struct访问由拷贝改为引用,收益如下:
--- 以修改一个Vector类型字段为例
--- 老代码
local Position = Actor.Position
Position.X = 1
Actor.Position = Position
--- 新代码
Actor.Position.X = 1
- 函数索引相比 1.x 版本有10倍速度提升
- 属性访问、函数调用等,普遍有20%~800%的提升(大部分API速度是原来的1.5~3倍)。
支撑PUBG Mobile 线上业务开发,稳定性得到充分验证。
- UE4.18、UE4.26完整支持,支持UE5.1,其他版本因为时间精力问题暂时无法支持到位
- 兼容lua 5.4版本接入
系统Win10 64位 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700G with Radeon Graphics 3.60 GHZ
10万次/秒 | Slua | UnLua | Unlua/Slua |
TestStaticCall | 0.01894 | 0.02667 | 1.41 |
TestEmptyCall | 0.0183 | 0.03351 | 1.83 |
TestSetBoolCall | 0.02541 | 0.04206 | 1.66 |
TestGetBoolCall | 0.02134 | 0.04893 | 2.29 |
TestSetIntCall | 0.02381 | 0.04222 | 1.77 |
TestGetIntCall | 0.02085 | 0.04239 | 2.03 |
TestSetFloatCall | 0.02265 | 0.04031 | 1.78 |
TestGetFloatCall | 0.02167 | 0.03701 | 1.71 |
TestSetFStringCall | 0.04986 | 0.08801 | 1.77 |
TestGetFStringCall | 0.03032 | 0.07163 | 2.36 |
TestSetVectorCall | 0.03339 | 0.07208 | 2.16 |
TestGetVectorCall | 0.05619 | 0.0878 | 1.56 |
TestSetStructCall | 0.0376 | 0.07982 | 2.12 |
TestGetStructCall | 0.08137 | 0.08871 | 1.09 |
TestGetObjectCall | 0.03054 | 0.04709 | 1.54 |
TestSetIntVar | 0.01305 | 0.01745 | 1.34 |
TestGetIntVar | 0.01396 | 0.01553 | 1.11 |
TestSetStrVar | 0.02573 | 0.03327 | 1.29 |
TestGetStrVar | 0.01743 | 0.02555 | 1.47 |
TestSetBoolVar | 0.01362 | 0.01559 | 1.14 |
TestGetBoolVar | 0.01406 | 0.01435 | 1.02 |
TestSetFloatVar | 0.01336 | 0.01557 | 1.17 |
TestGetFloatVar | 0.01381 | 0.01585 | 1.15 |
TestSetVectorVar | 0.0194 | 0.01773 | 0.91 |
TestGetVectorVar | 0.01109 | 0.02358 | 2.13 |
TestSetStructVar | 0.01918 | 0.02197 | 1.15 |
TestGetStructVar | 0.01085 | 0.02408 | 2.22 |
TestGetObjectVar | 0.02111 | 0.02322 | 1.10 |
TestAddArrayElement | 0.05216 | 0.07207 | 1.38 |
TestGetArrayElement | 0.04115 | 0.08281 | 2.01 |
TestAddSetElement | 0.08038 | 0.09814 | 1.22 |
TestGetSetElement | 0.02821 | ||
TestAddMapElement | 0.10757 | 0.16673 | 1.55 |
TestGetMapElement | 0.09039 | 0.14266 | 1.58 |
TestBPEmptyCall | 0.06335 | 0.07548 | 1.19 |
TestBPSetIntCall | 0.10759 | 0.13205 | 1.23 |
TestBPGetIntCall | 0.10575 | 0.13338 | 1.26 |
TestBPSetBoolCall | 0.10951 | 0.13201 | 1.21 |
TestBPGetBoolCall | 0.10572 | 0.13193 | 1.25 |
TestBPSetStringCall | 0.13069 | 0.18015 | 1.38 |
TestBPGetStringCall | 0.12013 | 0.15976 | 1.33 |
TestBPSetFloatCall | 0.10626 | 0.12982 | 1.22 |
TestBPGetFloatCall | 0.10486 | 0.1291 | 1.23 |
TestBPSetVectorCall | 0.1204 | 0.16478 | 1.37 |
TestBPGetVectorCall | 0.17194 | 0.18061 | 1.05 |
TestBPSetStructCall | 0.12453 | 0.17291 | 1.39 |
TestBPGetStructCall | 0.17526 | 0.18216 | 1.04 |
TestBPSetObjectCall | 0.11112 | 0.1445 | 1.30 |
TestBPGetObjectCall | 0.11979 | 0.14663 | 1.22 |
TestSetBPIntVar | 0.01288 | 0.01696 | 1.32 |
TestGetBPIntVar | 0.01432 | 0.01654 | 1.16 |
TestSetBPStrVar | 0.02481 | 0.03447 | 1.39 |
TestGetBPStrVar | 0.01701 | 0.02515 | 1.48 |
TestSetBPBoolVar | 0.01318 | 0.01801 | 1.37 |
TestGetBPBoolVar | 0.0131 | 0.0163 | 1.24 |
TestSetBPFloatVar | 0.01194 | 0.01646 | 1.38 |
TestGetBPFloatVar | 0.01352 | 0.01554 | 1.15 |
TestSetBPVectorVar | 0.02013 | 0.01738 | 0.86 |
TestGetBPVectorVar | 0.01127 | 0.02289 | 2.03 |
TestSetBPStructVar | 0.02006 | 0.01987 | 0.99 |
TestGetBPStructVar | 0.01154 | 0.02252 | 1.95 |
TestSetBPObjectVar | 0.018 | 0.01898 | 1.05 |
TestGetBPObjectVar | 0.01885 | 0.02216 | 1.18 |
TestAddBPArrayElement | 0.04994 | 0.07266 | 1.45 |
TestGetBPArrayElement | 0.04117 | 0.08902 | 2.16 |
TestAddBPSetElement | 0.07719 | 0.10107 | 1.31 |
TestGetBPSetElement | 0.08785 | ||
TestAddBPMapElement | 0.10685 | 0.15537 | 1.45 |
TestGetBPMapElement | 0.08607 | 0.14564 | 1.69 |
TestOverrideSetIntVar | 0.01253 | 0.01691 | 1.35 |
TestOverrideGetIntVar | 0.01315 | 0.01526 | 1.16 |
TestOverrideSetStrVar | 0.02569 | 0.03261 | 1.27 |
TestOverrideGetStrVar | 0.01637 | 0.02755 | 1.68 |
TestOverrideSetBoolVar | 0.01357 | 0.01731 | 1.28 |
TestOverrideGetBoolVar | 0.01312 | 0.01598 | 1.22 |
TestOverrideSetFloatVar | 0.01298 | 0.0168 | 1.29 |
TestOverrideGetFloatVar | 0.01325 | 0.01613 | 1.22 |
TestOverrideSetVectorVar | 0.02141 | 0.01795 | 0.84 |
TestOverrideGetVectorVar | 0.0103 | 0.02297 | 2.23 |
TestOverrideSetStructVar | 0.01906 | 0.01902 | 1.00 |
TestOverrideGetStructVar | 0.01135 | 0.02313 | 2.04 |
TestOverrideSetObjectVar | 0.02002 | 0.02091 | 1.04 |
TestOverrideGetObjectVar | 0.01871 | 0.0226 | 1.21 |
TestOverrideAddArrayElement | 0.04959 | 0.07026 | 1.42 |
TestOverrideGetArrayElement | 0.04033 | 0.08686 | 2.15 |
TestOverrideAddSetElement | 0.07604 | 0.09988 | 1.31 |
TestOverrideGetSetElement | 0.08807 | ||
TestOverrideAddMapElement | 0.1035 | 0.15905 | 1.54 |
TestOverrideGetMapElement | 0.08564 | 0.14475 | 1.69 |
TestOverrideReceiveBeginPlay | 0.00135 | 0.03956 | 29.30 |
TestOverrideTestFunc | 0.01313 | 0.09633 | 7.34 |
TestIndexStaticCall | 0.00125 | 0.00535 | 4.28 |
TestIndexEmptyCall | 0.00126 | 0.00559 | 4.44 |
TestIndexSetBoolCall | 0.00134 | 0.0058 | 4.33 |
TestIndexGetBoolCall | 0.00142 | 0.00572 | 4.03 |
TestIndexOverrideTestFunc | 0.00109 | 0.00069 | 0.63 |