I'm Tejas Gaikwad, a Software Developer from Pune. I'm passionate about building apps, animations, product development, and I love to ride motorcycle.
- [Project -> Dall-E image generator mobile app]
- [Project -> Amazon app clone using flutter and Nodejs, express, mongo db backend]
- [Project -> Instagram clone using flutter and firebase]
- [Artificial Intelligence]
- [FullStack Developement]
- [Unreal engine and Blender]
- [HardWare Product Development]
- Email: tejasg4646@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Tejas Gaikwad
- Twitter: @tejasg0504
- Medium: you can read my articles here
- Website: Tejas Gaikwad
- [Flutter]
- [MERN]
- [coding]
- [motorcycles]