a light web mvc framework.
framework CN Readme
framework Readme
- dao支持linq语法糖
- framework route部分规整
- sql template render , support cusotm syntax , xml, yaml
add maven dependency
use with @Inject
class implements Interceptor.
public interface Interceptor {
default boolean build(SilentGo me) {
return true;
default int priority() {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Object resolve(AOPPoint point, boolean[] isResolved) throws Throwable;
@Route(value="/{id}/{name}") or @Route(value="/[0-9a-z]+" , regex = true)
public void index(Response reponse,Resquest request ,@PathVariable(value="id") Integer id ,@PathVariable(value="name") String myname,
@RequestParam @RequestString( required = true , range = { 5 , 10}) String name)
validate parameters class implements IValidator you can custom validator for parameters yourself
public String index() {
return "index.jsp";
public String test(@PathVariable String string) {
LOGGER.info("msg:{}", string);
return string;
@RouteMatch(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String testpost(@PathVariable String string) {
return "post method :" + string;
@RouteMatch(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "name=1")
public String testpost2(@PathVariable String string) {
return "post method name 1:" + string;
generate dao and db model by tools in framework
how to use
dao class
public interface SysMenuDao extends BaseDao<SysMenu> {
SysMenu queryOneWhereId(String id);
public SysMenuDao sysMenuDao;
public String functodo() {
//function name with rules
//you can use directly without code;
SysMenu menuone = sysMenuDao.queryOneWhereId("1");
//for baseDao
List<SysMenu> menu = sysMenuDao.queryAll();