The Blowfish theme that our website uses is added as a submodule. To run the Hugo server locally it is important that this is also pulled with the repo is closed. The --recurse-submodules
is needed when the repo is cloned.
git clone --recurse-submodules
Pushing and committing changes can be done with the following.
git add -A
git commit -m "what I did"
git push
Make sure images have a descriptive file name with the number prefix being the order they appear in the article. All images *must be .jpg, .jpeg, or .png with a strong preference of .jpg.
├── cover.jpg
├── images
│ ├── 1_zen-browser.png
│ ├── 2_zed-code-editor.png
│ ├── 3_tabby-terminal.png
│ ├── 4_cider-apple-music.png
│ └── 5_betterbird-email.jpg
Locally hosted videos can be added just like images in .mp4 or .webm format. File sizes must be under 50mb. See example below for HTML tagging of video.
{{< video src="images/cloning_panels_cc.webm" controls="yes" >}}
Youtube videos use the default hugo shortcodes.
{{< youtube y_8wcMBJrVo >}}
Folder name should match what we want the url to be ie. linus-rust-drama-cosmic-alpha. Also, going forward we will dis-include the url template tag so that news article fall under a date scheme in the url bar.