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Editor Object Rehash
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- I'm actually coming back to write this after the commit that's after this one, a reflective message I guess

To start this typing journey off, I started with the Editor script, to improve the typing for the app with the base Editor object, which is a big ugly state handling thing, which may need to be poked a little bit, this guy has got to go. It's too big as of now, gonna make things way more modular after I get everything typed out. Everything relies on each other thing in a bunch of weird ways, and that's hard to keep track of. The typings are gonna do wonders to help with that, they already have while doing this even! Some of the original code was just ugly to my older coder eyes, this little reword tidied things up that I've been meaning to do for a while now.

The class-nature of the Editor object is merely for strict typing, it's not for inheritance or anything. Just to initially get things typed out faster, it works nicely to define all of the properties as static members on the class, rather than having to make a huge interface for the object, in JSDoc or a `.d.ts` file. It's all in once place.

As of now, STE isn't going to be TypeScript quite yet, but I can only imagine moving to it, inevitably. It's so cool what you can do with it, I'm definitely not gonna put it past me for doing that, once the codebase gets to a state to be able to move to it easily (that's not too far away actually).

I. Love. TypeScript. (or, TSC and JSDoc hehe)

Oh yeah, and the weird dynamic object generation setup on the old Editor object was because I didn't know how to make my own getter functions, so that's what I came up with to get "dynamic properties". I'm very happy with how smart I was (for myself back then at least, lol) to being able to figure that out, so it worked very nice as a fill in before finding the more streamlined way of achieving something like that.
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Offroaders123 committed Jan 11, 2023
1 parent 9285ca6 commit a0b7827
Showing 1 changed file with 243 additions and 110 deletions.
353 changes: 243 additions & 110 deletions scripts/Editor.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,113 +1,243 @@
window.Editor = {
appearance: () => {
var parent_window = (window.self ==,
standalone = (window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches || navigator.standalone || !window.menubar.visible),
apple_home_screen = (/(macOS|Mac|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/i.test(("userAgentData" in navigator) ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : navigator.platform) && "standalone" in navigator && navigator.standalone),
hidden_chrome = (window.outerWidth == window.innerWidth && window.outerHeight == window.innerHeight),
window_controls_overlay = ((("windowControlsOverlay" in navigator) ? navigator.windowControlsOverlay.visible : false) && standalone),
refresh_window_controls_overlay = () => {
var visibility = window_controls_overlay, styling = document.documentElement.classList.contains("window-controls-overlay");
if (visibility != styling) (visibility) ? document.documentElement.classList.add("window-controls-overlay") : document.documentElement.classList.remove("window-controls-overlay");
fullscreen = (window.matchMedia("(display-mode: fullscreen)").matches || (!window.screenY && !window.screenTop && hidden_chrome) || (!window.screenY && !window.screenTop && standalone)),
safe_area_insets = {
left: getSafeAreaInset("left"),
right: getSafeAreaInset("right"),
top: getSafeAreaInset("top"),
bottom: getSafeAreaInset("bottom"),
titlebar_area_insets = {
top: getTitlebarAreaInset("top"),
width_left: getTitlebarAreaInset("width-left"),
width_right: getTitlebarAreaInset("width-right"),
height: getTitlebarAreaInset("height"),
device_pixel_ratio = window.devicePixelRatio.toFixed(2),
refresh_device_pixel_ratio = () => {
var ratio = Editor.appearance().device_pixel_ratio, styling = getRootStyleProperty("--device-pixel-ratio");
if (ratio != styling)"--device-pixel-ratio",ratio);
class Editor {
static appearance = {
get parent_window() {
return (window.self ==;

get standalone() {
return (window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches || navigator.standalone || !window.menubar.visible);

get apple_home_screen() {
// @ts-expect-error
return (/(macOS|Mac|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/i.test(("userAgentData" in navigator) ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : navigator.platform) && "standalone" in navigator && navigator.standalone);

get hidden_chrome() {
return (window.outerWidth == window.innerWidth && window.outerHeight == window.innerHeight);

get window_controls_overlay() {
return ((("windowControlsOverlay" in navigator) ? navigator.windowControlsOverlay.visible : false) && Editor.appearance.standalone);

refresh_window_controls_overlay() {
var visibility = Editor.appearance.window_controls_overlay, styling = document.documentElement.classList.contains("window-controls-overlay");
if (visibility != styling) (visibility) ? document.documentElement.classList.add("window-controls-overlay") : document.documentElement.classList.remove("window-controls-overlay");

get fullscreen() {
return (window.matchMedia("(display-mode: fullscreen)").matches || (!window.screenY && !window.screenTop && Editor.appearance.hidden_chrome) || (!window.screenY && !window.screenTop && Editor.appearance.standalone));

get safe_area_insets() {
return {
left: this._getSafeAreaInset("left"),
right: this._getSafeAreaInset("right"),
top: this._getSafeAreaInset("top"),
bottom: this._getSafeAreaInset("bottom"),
function getSafeAreaInset(section){
return parseInt(getRootStyleProperty(`--safe-area-inset-${section}`),10);
function getTitlebarAreaInset(section){
var value = getRootStyleProperty(`--titlebar-area-inset-${section}`);
if (value.includes("calc")) value = Function(`"use strict"; return (${value.replace(/calc/g,"").replace(/100vw/g,`${window.innerWidth}px`).replace(/px/g,"")})`)();
return parseInt(value,10);
function getRootStyleProperty(template){
return window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(template);

get titlebar_area_insets() {
return {
top: this._getTitlebarAreaInset("top"),
width_left: this._getTitlebarAreaInset("width-left"),
width_right: this._getTitlebarAreaInset("width-right"),
height: this._getTitlebarAreaInset("height"),

get device_pixel_ratio() {
return window.devicePixelRatio.toFixed(2);

refresh_device_pixel_ratio() {
var ratio = Editor.appearance.device_pixel_ratio, styling = this._getRootStyleProperty("--device-pixel-ratio");
if (ratio != styling)"--device-pixel-ratio",ratio);

* @param { string } section
return parseInt(this._getRootStyleProperty(`--safe-area-inset-${section}`),10);

* @param { string } section
var value = this._getRootStyleProperty(`--titlebar-area-inset-${section}`);
if (value.includes("calc")) value = Function(`"use strict"; return (${value.replace(/calc/g,"").replace(/100vw/g,`${window.innerWidth}px`).replace(/px/g,"")})`)();
return parseInt(value,10);

* @param { string } template
return window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(template);

static environment = {
get file_protocol() {
return (window.location.protocol == "file:");

get touch_device() {
return ("ontouchstart" in window);

get apple_device() {
// @ts-expect-error
return (/(macOS|Mac|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/i.test(("userAgentData" in navigator) ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : navigator.platform));

get macOS_device() {
// @ts-expect-error
return (/(macOS|Mac)/i.test(("userAgentData" in navigator) ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : navigator.platform) && navigator.standalone == undefined);

get mozilla_browser() {
return (CSS.supports("-moz-appearance: none"));

static support = {
get local_storage() {
return (window.location.protocol != "blob:") ? window.localStorage : null;

get file_system() {
return ("showOpenFilePicker" in window);

get file_handling() {
return ("launchQueue" in window && "LaunchParams" in window);

get window_controls_overlay() {
return ("windowControlsOverlay" in navigator);

get editing_commands() {
return (!Editor.environment.mozilla_browser);

get web_sharing() {
return ("share" in navigator);

* @param { number | null } identifier
static query(identifier = Editor.active_editor) {
const tab = workspace_tabs.querySelector(`.tab[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"]`);
const container = workspace_editors.querySelector(`.editor[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"]`);
const textarea = (container) ? container.editor : null;

* @param { "base" | "extension" } section
function getName(section){
if ((document.querySelectorAll(`[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"]:not([data-editor-change])`).length == 0) && (identifier != Editor.active_editor)) return null;
let name = workspace_tabs.querySelector(`.tab[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"] [data-editor-name]`).innerText;
if (!section || (!name.includes(".") && section == "base")) return name;
if (section == "base"){
name = name.split(".");
return name.join(".");
return { parent_window, standalone, apple_home_screen, hidden_chrome, window_controls_overlay, refresh_window_controls_overlay, fullscreen, safe_area_insets, titlebar_area_insets, device_pixel_ratio, refresh_device_pixel_ratio };
environment: () => ({
file_protocol: (window.location.protocol == "file:"),
touch_device: ("ontouchstart" in window),
apple_device: (/(macOS|Mac|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/i.test(("userAgentData" in navigator) ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : navigator.platform)),
macOS_device: (/(macOS|Mac)/i.test(("userAgentData" in navigator) ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : navigator.platform) && navigator.standalone == undefined),
mozilla_browser: (CSS.supports("-moz-appearance: none"))
support: () => ({
local_storage: (window.location.protocol != "blob:") ? window.localStorage : null,
file_system: ("showOpenFilePicker" in window),
file_handling: ("launchQueue" in window && "LaunchParams" in window),
window_controls_overlay: ("windowControlsOverlay" in navigator),
editing_commands: (!Editor.environment().mozilla_browser),
web_sharing: ("share" in navigator)
query: (identifier = Editor.active_editor) => {
var tab = workspace_tabs.querySelector(`.tab[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"]`),
container = workspace_editors.querySelector(`.editor[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"]`),
textarea = (container) ? container.editor : null,
getName = section => {
if ((document.querySelectorAll(`[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"]:not([data-editor-change])`).length == 0) && (identifier != Editor.active_editor)) return null;
var name = workspace_tabs.querySelector(`.tab[data-editor-identifier="${identifier}"] [data-editor-name]`).innerText;
if (!section || (!name.includes(".") && section == "base")) return name;
if (section == "base"){
name = name.split(".");
return name.join(".");
if (section == "extension"){
if (!name.includes(".")) return "";
return name.split(".").pop();
if (section == "extension"){
if (!name.includes(".")) return "";
return name.split(".").pop();

return { tab, container, textarea, getName };
view: () => document.body.getAttribute("data-view"),
view_change: () => (document.body.hasAttribute("data-view-change")),
orientation: () => document.body.getAttribute("data-orientation"),
orientation_change: () => (document.body.hasAttribute("data-orientation-change")),
scaling_change: () => (document.body.hasAttribute("data-scaling-change")),
unsaved_work: () => (!Editor.appearance().parent_window || (workspace_tabs.querySelectorAll(".tab:not([data-editor-change])[data-editor-unsaved]").length == 0)),
preapproved_extensions: ["txt","html","css","js","php","json","webmanifest","bbmodel","xml","yaml","yml","dist","config","ini","md","markdown","mcmeta","lang","properties","uidx","material","h","fragment","vertex","fxh","hlsl","ihlsl","svg"],
active_editor: null,
preview_editor: "active-editor",
file_handles: {},
child_windows: [],
settings: {
entries: JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("settings")) || {},
set: (key,value) => {
if (! return;

static get view() {
return document.body.getAttribute("data-view");

static get view_change() {
return (document.body.hasAttribute("data-view-change"));

static get orientation() {
return document.body.getAttribute("data-orientation");

static get orientation_change() {
return (document.body.hasAttribute("data-orientation-change"));

static get scaling_change() {
return (document.body.hasAttribute("data-scaling-change"));

static get unsaved_work() {
return (!Editor.appearance.parent_window || (workspace_tabs.querySelectorAll(".tab:not([data-editor-change])[data-editor-unsaved]").length == 0));

static preapproved_extensions = ["txt","html","css","js","php","json","webmanifest","bbmodel","xml","yaml","yml","dist","config","ini","md","markdown","mcmeta","lang","properties","uidx","material","h","fragment","vertex","fxh","hlsl","ihlsl","svg"];
* @type { number | null }
static active_editor = null;
static preview_editor = "active-editor";
static file_handles = {};
* @type { Window[] }
static child_windows = [];

static settings = {
entries: JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("settings") ?? "") || {},

* @param { string } key
* @param { string } value
set(key,value) {
if (! return;
Editor.settings.entries[key] = value;
window.localStorage.setItem("settings",JSON.stringify(Editor.settings.entries,null," "));
return value;
remove: key => {
if (! return;

* @param { string } key
remove(key) {
if (! return;
delete Editor.settings.entries[key];
window.localStorage.setItem("settings",JSON.stringify(Editor.settings.entries,null," "));
return true;
has: key => (key in Editor.settings.entries),
get: key => {
if (! return;

* @param { string } key
has(key) {
return (key in Editor.settings.entries);

* @param { string } key
get(key) {
if (! return;
if (!Editor.settings.has(key)) return;
return Editor.settings.entries[key];
reset: ({ confirm: showPrompt = false } = {}) => {
if (! return;

reset({ confirm: showPrompt = false } = {}) {
if (! return false;
if (showPrompt){
if (!confirm("Are you sure you would like to reset all settings?")) return false;
Expand All @@ -121,18 +251,21 @@ window.Editor = {
if (showPrompt);
return true;
active_dialog: null,
dialog_previous: null,
active_widget: null,
picker_color: null,
install_prompt: null
if (Editor.appearance().parent_window) document.documentElement.classList.add("startup-fade");
if (Editor.appearance().apple_home_screen) document.documentElement.classList.add("apple-home-screen");
if (Editor.environment().touch_device) document.documentElement.classList.add("touch-device");
if (Editor.environment().apple_device) document.documentElement.classList.add("apple-device");
if (Editor.environment().macOS_device) document.documentElement.classList.add("macOS-device");
if ( document.documentElement.classList.add("web-sharing");

static active_dialog = null;
static dialog_previous = null;
static active_widget = null;
static picker_color = null;
static install_prompt = null;

if (Editor.appearance.parent_window) document.documentElement.classList.add("startup-fade");
if (Editor.appearance.apple_home_screen) document.documentElement.classList.add("apple-home-screen");
if (Editor.environment.touch_device) document.documentElement.classList.add("touch-device");
if (Editor.environment.apple_device) document.documentElement.classList.add("apple-device");
if (Editor.environment.macOS_device) document.documentElement.classList.add("macOS-device");
if ( document.documentElement.classList.add("web-sharing");


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