This is just a sandbox for study, nothing special. Here you'll find:
- Lumen;
- Docker compose;
- Docker Images;
- And container working together;
I've created a sub network for all these containers so they can "talk" to each other.
Here's the IP mapping I've made:
Here I like to serve thing like databases, mail services and etc. Here's the services listed.
- MySQL under IP;
- Redis under IP;
- Mailhog under IP;
For now, there is only one server running PHP-FPM 8.1 under the IP
This range its dedicated for the servers, so the IP contains the nginx serving the lumen files.
Just open on your browser after running:
docker-compose up -d
Whenever you want to use php tools like composer
or artisan
, you need to get inside the PHP container using:
docker exec -ti --user=lumen php-fpm81 sh
Get inside the PHP container using:
docker exec -ti --user=lumen php-fpm81 sh
Once inside, just run:
composer test