A bedrock-edition Add-On transplanted by Java mod: TouHou Little Maid. (https://github.com/TartaricAcid/TouhouLittleMaid)
This plugin is still in the development stage, only for development communication. Please do not load it in the world for play.
- Programmer:
- TartaricAcid, Snownee, Succinum, Pajinyi, ZeniCrow, Tian_mi, Paulzzh, YurisCat: Made the TouHou Little Maid (Java Mod)
- MMM and Verclene: Made the Little Maid Mob mod
- ZUN: Made the Touhou Project
- Sound resource from あみたろの声素材工房
- ZIP processing by jszip
- Other players who have helped me in any ways, and you
- Code: MIT
- Assets: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0