A web front-end for a movies database of two related tables, 'Movie' and 'Actor'; I used php, html, css, javascript and sql to develop and design the interface.
This is a skeleton front-end with the usernames/passwords/hosts replaced with a placeholder, but demonstrations can be seen below.
Having previously set up a database to hold information about film – including a Movie
and an Actor table – a suitable website is necessary to navigate and update the data:
Movie(mvID, actId, mvTitle, mvPrice, mvYear, mvGenre)
Actor(actID, actName)
In the tables ‘Movie’ and ‘Actor’, the primary keys are mvID and actID respectively. actID is also a foreign key in the movies table, representing a one-to-many relationship between them (since one actor can appear in many movies, while in this case each movie can have at most one actor). The database, as declared above, might hold a large number of records (many of which will be linked) and so suitable functionality to search, add, and delete records without the need to type SQL statements each time will make the database overall more manageable.
HTML to create the webpage itself
CSS to handle the style and layout (including font, background, colour cheme, images) of the webpages
JavaScript for form validation as well as a "hide bar" function
PHP to collect inputs from the html form and connect to the database1 with them, performing various database operations with SQL
Specific database details and passwords have been replaced with placeholders for this demonstration of the project, which is therefore a skeleton front-end - the system works with a mysql database with the above descriptions. ↩