An Music Destop-Python-App by Tamino1230
- Easily downloading new Songs
- Easy Managing
- Saving
- You can make Playlists by Making a new Folder and Putting the songs in there
- if you change playlist and have shuffle on it will not be on shuffle - solution: put shuffle off and on
or if something else happend just restart
Steps for the Installation
You need to have pyton installed correctly.
- Download the Zip File
- Extract it
- **Turn off your Windows Defender:
Windows 10: Search "Virus" in the Windows search bar -> press "manage settings" on "Settings for Virus- &..." -> Turn off "Real Time Protection"
- Why Turn it off? Because you cant create the exe if you run setup...
- Other ways: Use an older version (bugged) "click here"
- If you have any questions about that please contact me: @tamino1230
- Start the setup.bat file
- After go to your Desktop and open the "MusiEz - @tamino1230" connection or search "MusiEz - @tamino1230" in your taskbar. And Open it
This Project is under the MIT-License. See in the LICENSE-File for more Information.
- Twitter - @NukeTamino
- Discord - @tamino1230
- Website - / (not yet)
- Email - /