This project is designed to provide the TMLP environment implementers, detectors and bypassers for Android devices. The abbreviation "TMLP" stands for anything related to TWRP, Magisk, LSPosed, and Plugins.
We do not own any of the implementers, detectors, or bypassers here. Thus, please kindly contact us to remove them here if the corresponding owners do not wish them to be distributed here.
We only keep the latest versions for each implementer, detector, and bypasser here, keeping them as up-to-date as possible. Any pull request (PR) is welcome!
Please see Implementers, Detectors, and Bypassers for details.
The last files are updated at 23:30 on March 22th, 2025 (UTC+8).
该项目旨在为 Android 设备提供 TMLP 环境的部署、检测和过检工具。缩写“TMLP”代表与 TWRP、Magisk、LSPosed 和插件相关的任何内容。
我们仅保留最新的部署、检测和过检工具,并尽可能保持实时更新。欢迎提交任何 Pull Request(PR)!
详情请查看 Implementers、Detectors 和 Bypassers。
最后更新时间:2025 年 3 月 22 日 23:30(中国标准时间)。