This project is built with Gatsby and Netlify CMS.
Gatsby is a static site generator framework based on React.
Netlify CMS is a Content Management System that provides a graphical interface to edit the website.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Gatsby CLI install by running
npm i -g gatsby-cli
git clone
cd ths-international-reception
npm i
and start the development server by running
gatsby develop
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
Acces the admin panel at
Note: The CMS publicates changes to github which can take up to 2-4 minutes.
The first page of the admin panel is the news page. You can add news by pressing the New News button. A title, picture, description and preview is required.
Update existing pages by pressing the Pages button in the left side menu. There you can find a list of all aviable pages. If you want to add a new page contact the IT-team.
The CMS is using Gatsby Images to make the pictures load faster. You need to scale your pictures to the right aspect ratio to make them fit as well as possible.