Art-Net by Artistic Licence allows for broadcasting DMX data via IP/UDP. This library is implementing the basic protocol for Java applications.
Currently supported core features are:
- ArtPoll Encode and Decode ArtPoll Packet
- ArtPollReply Encode ArtPollReply
- ArtTimeCode Encode and Decode ArtTimeCode
- ArtDMX Encode and Decode ArtDMX
Currently supported events features are:
Art ArtNet packet event catch
ArtPoll ArtPoll event catch
ArtPollReply ArtPollReply event catch
ArtTimeCode ArtTimeCode event catch
ArtDMX ArtDMX event catch
onTerminate Server is die and disconnected
onConnect Server has binding address
Currently supported protocols are:
- Broadcast Broadcast protocol (100%)
- Unicast Unicast protocol (0%)