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Stages blog posts, has C++ sources which match posts. Blog is about antivirus + autonomous tools + calculus of neural tissues


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(C) 2024 Swudu Susuwu, dual licenses: choose GPLv2 or Apache 2 (allows all uses).

Table of Contents


./.ssh/ is to compute signatures/certificates.

./posts/ stages posts (school classes) for about artificial neural tissue, antivirus, assistants, plus autonomous tools.

./c/ C implementations of posts (TODO, issue #3 which you can contribute to, or can request that more resources go to this task)

  • ./c/rfc6234/ is vendored code (direct from the official RFC6234), which is used for {classSha128(), classSha256(), classSha512()}.

./cxx/ C++ implementations of posts

  • ./cxx/Macros.hxx is
    • macros with wrap C++ features/attributes, such as {SUSUWU_ASSUME, SUSUWU_CONSTEXPR, SUSUWU_DEFAULT, SUSUWU_DELETE, SUSUWU_EXPECTS, SUSUWU_ENSURES, SUSUWU_FINAL, SUSUWU_IF_CPLUSPLUS, SUSUWU_NOEXCEPT, SUSUWU_NORETURN, SUSUWU_NULLPTR, SUSUWU_OVERRIDE, SUSUWU_STATIC_ASSERT, SUSUWU_UNREACHABLE} which (if used on old compilers, or with options such as -std=c++11) are replaced with no-ops or alternatives which have the same use,
    • macro options (which control the macro constants/macro functions). (View Options/setup for options),
    • macro constants, such as SUSUWU_SH_<color> (color = {DEFAULT, BLACK, DARK_GRAY, RED, LIGHT_RED, GREEN, LIGHT_GREEN, BROWN, YELLOW, BLUE, LIGHT_BLUE, PURPLE, LIGHT_PURPLE, CYAN, LIGHT_CYAN, LIGHT_GRAY, WHITE}, if supported, expands to the ANSI color codes, else expands to ""),
    • macro functions, such as {SUSUWU_ERROR, SUSUWU_WARNING, SUSUWU_INFO, SUSUWU_SUCCESS, which use SUSUWU_PRINT}, SUSUWU_PRINT (if __cplusplus, uses SUSUWU_CERR, else uses SUSUWU_STDERRR),
    • macroTestsNoexcept() (unit tests, with return value for errors).
  • ./cxx/ClassObject.hxx is
  • ./cxx/ClassPortableExecutable.hxx is
    • FilePath (PortableExecutable's constructor argument), FileBytecode (classSha2's input argument), FileHash (classSha2's return value)
    • class PortableExecutable : public Object (stores file path and/or bytecode and/or hexcode. TODO; hash?)
    • class PortableExecutableBytecode : public PortableExecutable loads bytecode from path. TODO; hash?
  • ./cxx/ClassSys.hxx is
    • typedefs {ClassSysUSeconds}
    • globals {classSysArgc, classSysArgs}
    • modular functions to interact with:
      • console (Posix /bin/sh or Windows cmd``) {classSysGetConsoleInput(), classSysSetConsoleInput()`}
      • own process ($0) {classSysInit(), classSysGetOwnPath(), classSysFopenOwnPath(), templateCatchAll()}
      • strings (or streams) {classSysHexOs(), classSysHexStr(), classSysColoredParamOs(), classSysColoredParamStr()}
      • the OS {classSysUSecondClock(), execvesFork(), execvexFork(), execves(), execvex(), classSysHasRoot(), classSysSetRoot(), classSysKernelCallback(), classSysKernelSetHook()}
      • TODO: filesystem (perhaps just have cxx/ClassPortableExecutable.hxx do this?), internet (socket, Winsock2).
    • classSysTests(), or classSysTestsNoexcept() (unit tests with exceptions for errors, or return value for errors).
  • ./cxx/ClassSha2.hxx is
    • the classSha2 function pointer, which defaults to classSha256() (but you can set classSha2 = sha128; or classSha2 = sha512;), wrapped around official RFC6234 code. ./cxx/ClassResultList.hxx, ./cxx/VirusAnalysis.cxx and ./cxx/AssistantCns.cxx all use classSha2.
    • classSha2Tests(), or classSha2TestsNoexcept() (unit tests with exceptions for errors, or return value for errors).
  • ./cxx/ClassCns.hxx is class Cns : public Object (abstract neural system class with pure virtuals.) Issue #6 is to implement this class.
  • ./cxx/ClassResultList.hxx is
    • class ResultList : public Object (holds hashes, signatures, bytecodes); resultList*() functions {resultListDumpTo(), resultListProduceHashes() (virusAnalysisTests() uses this)}.
    • modular template (can use on all containers such as std::vector, std::map or std::list) list*() functions (such as listMaxSize(), listDumpTo(), listToHashes(), listIntersections(), listsIntersect(), listFindValue(), listHasValue(), listFindSubstr(), listHasSubstr(), listProduceSignature() (produceAbortListSignatures uses this), listFindSignatureOfValue(), listHasSignatureOfValue() (signatureAnalysis() uses this), explodeToList (./cxx/AssistantCns.cxx uses this), produce unique signature, compare file against list of signatures), most of which were produced for antivirus signature analysis.
    • classResultListsTests(), or classResultListsTestsNoexcept() (unit tests with exceptions for errors, or return value for errors).
  • ./cxx/VirusAnalysis.hxx is
    • modular helper functions {produceAbortListSignatures() (for signatureAnalysis() use), importedFunctionsList() (work-in-progress, staticAnalysis() uses this), straceOutputsAnalysis() (work-in-progress, sandboxAnalysis() uses this), produceAnalysisCns() (for cnsAnalysis() use), produceVirusFixCns() (for cnsVirusFix() use)},
    • kernel hook function (virusAnalysisHook()), which uses virusAnalysis() to scan new downloadss (or scan all programs which execute); work-in-progress.
    • modular scan functions {hashAnalysis(), signatureAnalysis(), staticAnalysis() (processes Executable and Linkable Format or Portable Executables, work-in-progress), sandboxAnalysis() (executes with strace + chroot, work-in-progress), cnsAnalysis() (uses ClassCns.hxx)} plus disinfection function (cnsVirusFix()) which form an antivirus program.
    • virusAnalysisTests(), or virusAnalysisTestsNoexcept() (unit tests with exceptions for errors, or return value for errors).
  • ./cxx/AssistantCns.hxx is
    • modular functions {assistantCnsDownloadHosts() (uses wget on assistantCnsDefaultHosts), assistantCnsProcessXhtml() (uses the next 2 functions to process wget's downloads: assistantCnsProcessUrls (uses boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp to extract new URLs), assistantCnsProcessQuestion (work-in-progress, extracts question), assistantCnsProcessResponses() (work-in-progress, extracts answers)), produceAssistantCns() (uses datasets for backpropagation), assistantCnsProcess (uses forwardpropagation to answer new questions)} which form an assistant.
    • assistantCnsTests(), or assistantCnsTestsNoexcept() (unit tests with exceptions for errors, or return value for errors).
  • ./cxx/main.hxx is SusuwuUnitTestsBitmask main() (executes all of those *TestsNoexcept() unit tests into a bitmask return value.) All have lots of issues which you can contribute to, or can request that more resources go to).

./sh/ is /bin/sh scripts.

  • ./sh/ is a standalone lib for common console tasks (can do most of what ncurses can do). ./ and ./sh/ use this.
  • ./sh/ is a standalone (just imports port of make to /bin/sh. ./ uses this.

./ does what {./configure, make} often do, can use most of GNU make's options. (View Options/setup for options).

How to use this

Minimum requirements (build targets which this supports):


Download source with git clone If this does not have all the tools you want, you can opt-in to the beta with git switch experimental (opt-out with get switch trunk).


./.ssh/ is to setup gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile (allows to use git verify <ref> or git log --show-signature).

[Notice: This public crypto "signature", is not related to "signature analysis" (Substr scans).]


Usage: ./ [OPTIONS] produces objects (./obj/*.o, for distribution into other tools,) plus Executable and Linkable Format (./bin/Susuwu.out, to do examples/unit tests which prove how effective functions execute,) both of which you can redirect with export OBJDIR=___ (or export BINDIR=___.)

  • ./cxx/main.hxx has constants to use to interpret Susuwu.out's return values.
  • Environment flags: as GNU make's.
  • Console flags:
    • ./ : Defaults to ./ --debug. For all source code, if intermediate object doesn't exist or is older than source, builds source.
    • ./ --clean : removes intermediate object files + exits; to reduce disc use.
    • ./ --rebuild : removes intermediate object files + continues; to rebuild with new flags (or if ./ doesn't rebuild code which includes updated headers).
    • ./ --debug : around 6.2 megabyte executable. Includes frame-pointers/debug symbols (-g, which also includes -funreachable-traps), includes valgrind-replacement tools (such as -fsanitize=address), optimizes with -Og.
    • ./ --release : around 322 kilobyte executable. Excludes --debug; strips frame-pointers/symbols, -DNDEBUG, optimizes with -O2.
    • ./ --mingw : can mix with --release or --debug. Produces Portable Executable (./bin/Susuwu.exe), for Windows.
  • Macro flags (use vim to put into FLAGS_USER). If =true, most use more resources, except SUSUWU*PREFER_* or SUSUWU*SKIP_*. "default is =!defined(NDEBUG)" is short for; "if --debug, default =true, but if --release, default =false".
    • -DSUSUWU_UNIT_TESTS[=true|=false] with =true to build + execute unit tests. Default is =true, but more stable future version could have default =!defined(NDEBUG). If set to =false; compilation time, object size, execuable size reduced (to around half).
    • Custom sh (console) output:
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_PREFER_STDIO=true to replace std::cXXX << ... with fprintf(stdXXX, ...); default is =!defined(__cplusplus).
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_SKIP_BRACKETS=true sets output format to WARN_LEVEL: message; default is =false.
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_FILE=true sets output format to [__FILE__: WARN_LEVEL: message]; default is =SUSUWU_SH_VERBOSE.
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_LINE=true sets output format to [__LINE__: WARN_LEVEL: message]; default is =SUSUWU_SH_VERBOSE.
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_FUNC=true sets output format to [__func__: WARN_LEVEL: message]; default is =false.
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_SKIP_COLORS=true to omit VT100 (ANSI) colors; default is =defined(SUSUWU_SH_COLORS_UNSUPPORTED)).
      • -DSUSUWU_SH_SKIP_COLORS=false to force (even if unsupported) VT100 (ANSI color) use.
      • TODO (for now, no effect; once issue #17 is closed, you can use):
        • -DSUSUWU_SH_RUNTIME_OSC to replace #ifdef _POSIX_VERSION\nAccessClipboard();\n#endif with termcmp./GetConsoleMode() (for choices on whether or not to use Operating System Commands); default is undefined.
        • -DSUSUWU_SH_RUNTIME_COLORS to replace #if _POSIX_VERSION\nColors();\n#endif with termcmp./GetConsoleMode() (for choices on whether or not to use colors); default is undefined.
    • To match g++./clang++ console format, use -DSUSUWU_SKIP_BRACKETS=true, -DSUSUWU_SH_FILE=true, -DSUSUWU_SH_LINE=true, -DSUSUWU_SH_FUNC=false (sets output format to __FILE__:__LINE__: WARN_LEVEL: message).
    • Unstable/experimental flags:
      • -DSUSUWU_EXPERIMENTAL to enable experimental (more new, but unfinished/unstable) versions of code; default is unset, unless git switch experimental is executed.
        • -DSUSUWU_DEFAULT_BRANCH if errors, suggest git switch SUSUWU_DEFAULT_BRANCH; default is "trunk".
      • -DSUSUWU_VIRTUAL_OPERATORS_USE_VPTRS=false: ./cxx/ClassObject.hxx:Class::operator==(const Class &obj) { return this->hasLayoutOf(obj) && 0 == memcmp(sizeof(NULL) + (char *)this, sizeof(NULL) + (char *)&obj, this->getObjectSize() - sizeof(NULL)); }, thus Susuwu::Object() == Susuwu::Class() but CXX output with nonstandard vptr layout crashes. Default =true; (return typeid(this) == typeid(obj) && 0 == memcmp(this, *obj, this->getObjectSize());).
      • -DSUSUWU_VIRTUAL_EQUALS_USE_ADDRESSES=false: to use ./cxx/ClassObject.hxx:Object::equals(const Object &obj) { return this->operator==(obj); }. Default is =true (return this == &obj). For now, just controls Object::equals (in future, perhaps SUSUWU_VIRTUAL_OPERATORS_USE_ADDRESSES inherits this).
    • TODO (for now won't build, or has no effect):
      • -DSUSUWU_VIRTUAL_OPERATORS_USE_ADDRESSES=true: No effect. If implemented, Class::operator==(const Class &obj) { return &obj == this; }. Default is =false.
      • -DSUSUWU_PREFER_CSTR=true to replace std::string with char * (more compatible with non-C++ projects); default is =SUSUWU_PREFER_C.
      • -DSUSUWU_PREFER_C=true sets SUSUWU_PREFER_CSTR + SUSUWU_SH_PREFER_STDIO (plus other flags which will exist to allow non-C++ projects to include this; default is =!defined(__plusplus)).

How to contribute

View documented issues (for ideas on code to contribute, plus so you do not report documented issues.)

Beta test/experimental builds

  • git switch experimental && ./
    • View results for symptoms of new issues (hint: look for "Warning:"s or "Error:"s).
    • If you found new issue(s) (which aren't due to misconfigurations in your system), post new issue(s).

Contributor conventions/rules

General comment/message syntax rules: <> goes around type of option/argument (such as <commit-hash>, [] goes around optional comments/options/arguments (such as [<optional fallback value>], ... is affixed to allow multiple options/arguments (such as [; optional extra arguments]...). This rule is used to document function arguments (such as sh, C or C++ use), plus to document git uses. To ensure consistent code, submissions of code (such as through pull requests) have language-specific syntax rules:


If git commit introduces/removes functions, have ./ include this. Do atomic commits: if swapping the new commit with a previous commit (such as through git rebase -i) -- or if git revert of a previous commit -- causes ./ to return a non-0 exit status, git commit's message shall include such as:

Is followup to: <ref | commit-hash> (<commit-message>)[, comment] [; <ref | commit-hash> (<commit-message>)[, comment]]...

  • This shows the temporal order of commits required for ./ to pass.
  • <commit-message> is so that git rebase (which changes <commit-hash>) does not make it impossible to follow (plus, so comments are reduced), thus you should use the exact message. You can use ellipsis (...) to omit extra lines, but it is best if the first line is exact (left as-is).
  • Notice: commit 9eda0ed5ed2abcdcec92c5b265f6e950e1196558 (+sh/{FILE, LINE, FUNC}), and older, used , (as opposed to ;) to delimit the list of commits; those extra <ref | commit-hash>'s are not extra comments, but are extra commits. The new format allows comments to include <commit-hash>'s and ,'s (just not ;'s).

git commit message format/syntax:

  • affix "()" onto functions (regardless of number of arguments), such as function(), or use the function name (such as function) alone.
  • if commit does git add NewFile: message has +\NewFile``.
  • if git rm Exists: -\Exists``.
  • if touch Exists && git add Exists: @\Exists`or?`Exists``.
    • Simple wildcards/regex for altered functions: \%s/oldFunction()/newFunction()/``.
    • '' is not used as update prefix, since '' has much other use in Regex (wildcards) & C++ (such as block comments, dereferences, or math).
      • From the root commit through 159940fb8b60b176a38a13cdfbd9393596daa9b5 (Date: Thu Jul 4 07:56:01 2024 -0700), '@' was the prefix for updates. From then until this commit, '?' was the prefix for updates.
      • From this commit on (this is the successor to commit 0ae6233c02d9e04fca60027b1e32b885eb69bb8a (Date: Sat Nov 30 17:50:40 2024 -0800)), '@' is (once more) the prefix for updates, due to: it is more common for projects to so use '@'.
  • if echo "int newFunction() {...}" >> Exists && git add Exists: @\Exists`:+`NewFunction()``.
  • if git mv OldPath/ NewPath/: \OldPath/` -> `NewPath/`ormv OldPath/ NewPath/`.
  • as default branch, choose master, main or trunk (do not have more than 1 of those branches, or ./ is ambiguous).
  • to indent: use tabs to form blocks, such as:
	Split into:
		+`## Download`: new; howto clone, howto switch branches.
		+`## Optionssetup`: "Options/setup"; howto use `./` (with or without options.)
	?[Good first issues to contribute to]: (moved into `#How-to-contribute`)

/[Notice: Commit titles can omit backticks (``) if not enough room; the backticks just allow GitHub to do Markdown-format code/paths.]

sh source

Is as for C/C++ source, plus specifics to sh:

C/C++ source

Linter: apt install clang && clang-tidy cxx/*.cxx (defaults to .clang-tidy options).

Most of what Mozilla Org's (Firefox's) style suggests is sound (you should follow this unless you have specific reasons not to).

Code rules (lots overlap with Mozilla Org's):

  • Indent: tabs ('^I'); as much tabs as braces ('{' = +1 tab, '}' = -1 tab). [All which conflicts with Mozilla Org's format is tab use.]

    • Rationales: reduced memory use, allows local configs (such as ~/.vimrc) to set width, allows arrow keys to move fast.
  • Files: ${C_SOURCE_PATH}/PascalCase.* or ${CXX_SOURCE_PATH}/PascalCase.*xx (such as: ./cxx/ClassFoo.hxx, used as #include "ClassFoo.hxx" /* classFooFunction() */), as this is most common.

    • ./ requires: that all local includes prefix as Class*.hxx (so it knows to execute --rebuild if you upgrade a common include.) TODO: incremental builds which don't require this.
    • To assist with insertion/removal of #include statements, comments shall list all functions/macros used.
  • Structs, enums, classe: typedef struct PascalCase {} PascalCase;, typedef enum PascalCase {} PascalCase;, typedef class PascalCase {} PascalCase;, as this is most common.

  • Macros: #define NAMESPACE_CONSTANT_CASE(snake_case_param) assert(snake_case_param);, as this is most common.

  • Braces, functions:

    • Do not produce lots of functions with the same name but different arguments, as such "overloads" make this difficult to port.
    • Single statement blocks can use the form: virtual bool hasInstance() { return true; }.
    • Most common form:
const /* const prevents `if(func() = x)` where you wished for `if(func() == x)` */ bool classPrefixCamelCase(bool s, bool x) {
	if(s && x) {
		return s;
	} else {
		return x;
  • Args/params, local variables, objects: const bool camelCase = true; Global variables/objects: extern const bool classFooFunction;, as this is most common.

    • Functions/globals can omit "classFoo" if wrapped as namespace ClassFoo { extern bool global; };, or (for class ClassFoo { static bool global; };).
      • The project as a whole should have namespace Susuwu {};, but you can nest namespaces.)
  • For error, warning or notice syntax use: "[WARN_LEVEL: OPTIONAL_FUNCTION_NAME {code which triggered the error/warning/diagnostic/notice} /* OPTIONAL COMMENTS */]",

    • ./cxx/Macros.hxx: {SUSUWU_STR(x), SUSUWU_CERR(x), SUSUWU_STDOUT(x)} have the new syntax for this.
    • Modules should choose one of this list to send all userland errors, warnings or notices to:
      • throw std::runtime_error(message) (or throw Q() where class Q : public std::exception)
      • std::cerr << message (or fprintf(stdout, message)
      • errno = code;, or return code;.
  • Have follow tools such as {clang++, g++, vim}:

    • use ./cxx/Macros.hxx:SUSUWU_SH_RED to quote error messages.
    • use ./cxx/Macros.hxx:SUSUWU_SH_PURPLE to quote status codes (or return values).
    • use ./cxx/Macros.hxx:SUSUWU_SH_LIGHT_CYAN to quote names of variables/constants.
    • use ./cxx/Macros.hxx:SUSUWU_SH_GREEN to quote current arguments/values.
    • use ./cxx/Macros.hxx:SUSUWU_SH_LIGHT_PURPLE to quote speculative replacement arguments/values.
    • .sh code uses ./sh/<color>.
  • Comments

    • Comments about possible return code;s (or throws) go above function declarations (Doxygen convention).
      • It is arguable whether or not you should document all possible system errors; most Standard Template Library functions can throw.
    • *.hxx is to document interfaces (above function declarations); *.cxx is to do implementations (do not duplicate interface comments).
    • Use Markdown. Rationales: for non-English users (or for computers), such syntax assists use.
    • Instead of //new single-line comments, prefer /* old fashioned */.
      • Rationale: simpler to port. More obvious where the comment stops if the comment wraps around.
    • Doxygen-ish "@pre"/"@post" prepares for C++26 Contracts:
      • As soon as clang++ (or g++) has Contracts (part of C++26), regular expressions (such as :%s/@pre (.*) @code (.*) @endcode/[[expects: \2]] \\* \1 \\*/ :%s/@post (.*) @code (.*) @endcode/[[ensures: \2]] \\* \1 \\*/) can convert Doxygen-ish comments into contracts.
      • ./cxx/Macros.hxx has SUSUWU_ASSUME(X), which is close to [[expects: x]], but SUSUWU_ASSUME(X) goes to *.cxx, whereas [[expects]] goes to *.hxx.
      • Advantages of [[expects]]: allows to move information of interfaces out of *.cxx, to *.hxx.
/* @throw std::bad_alloc If function uses {`malloc`, `realloc`, `new[]`, `std::*::{push_back, push_front, insert}`}
 * @throw std::logic_error Optional. Would include most functions which use `std::*`
 * @pre @code !output.full() @endcode
 * @post @code !output.empty() @endcode
bool functionDeclaration(std::string input, std::deque<vector> output);
  • Include guards:
#ifndef INCLUDES_Path_To_File
#define INCLUDES_Path_To_File
#endif /* ndef INCLUDES_Path_To_File */


To sponsor this (which allows us to produce more source codes), you can use crypto (such as Bitcoin) to produce a one-time-use address (which you deposit funds into), and send the address&private-key to a contact which ./ lists.

  • Rather than us publish a send-to address (for a particular protocol), this allows us to accept all forms of crypto.
  • If amount is more than $100 and you don't trust the contact platforms, use ./.ssh/ to secure those.


If you want proof that your crypto/cash will go to produce specific systems, use escrow services (what you send the escrow is: crypto/cash, plus contract which references an open issue which you choose).


You can use Capital 1's affiliate program to allow us to produce more source codes.