[3.5.0] - 2019-08-16
Added .dialog-header and .dialog-footer to the dialog component.
Added tab lock to dialog making it so you can't tab out of the dialog until an option is clicked.
Added aria labels to dialog documentation to show an example of how to use dialog accessibly.
Added .expandable-headline and .expandable-subtitle to .expandable.
Added aria-expanded attribute to expandable script.
Added aria-controls to expandable example.
Added document listener adding and removing .intent-mouse on the body tag. This class disables :focus styling.
Added window resize listener for topbar so it is closed when the window size changes.
Added tab trapping and correct focus to the topbar nav.
Added new outline styling for buttons when focused.
Made it so you don't have to include the ID on the close buttons inside Dialog.
Changed the close button in dialog to be a button instead of an icon.
Renamed .expandable-content to .expandable-body.
Changed animation for expandables making it smoother.
Changed expandable header to a button instead of a div.
Updated nav styling to fit Swedbank Pay better.
Updated documentation to only show recommended usage of the nav component.
Increased hitbox for all nav variants to make the component more user friendly.
Changed the close icon in dialog to be a button.
Changed the close icon in the topbar to be a button.
Fixed display issue with topbar for IE.
Fixed styling issue when resizing the window with an open topbar.
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