I am a Full Stack Web Developer, passionate about building digital products that improve the everyday experience for people.
The most incredible range of wireless earphones, earbuds, headphones, smart watches, and home audio. From workouts to adventures, boAt will get you sailing!
This is a clone of AI image generator. After giving any name in prompt AI will generate a image.
A Netflix Clone full-stack application with TMDB movies and series. User can able to register and login in to application.
JavaScript 2
Forked from Rajgupta7080/CultFit-Team
A web app that could help users to buy fitness-related accessories and subscribe to the content provided at the cult.fit online store.
Forked from shivraj32644/Olx-Clone
Build clone of Olx.com with my team in 7days.Our project includes features such as login, registration, selling a product, product details, and user details.
JavaScript 1
Forked from yug0231/revvpro
This project is first project where I cloned a website revv.co.in . With , Revv, you can rent a car at a time that is convenient to you and get it delivered right to your doorstep.