This repo provides a Python class POSTree
which could convert a question into statement. POSTree
takes the parse tree from Stanford Parser as input and produces a statement as output based on some heuristic rules.
from POSTree import POSTree
tree = POSTree("(ROOT"
" (SQ (VBZ Is)"
" (NP (DT the) (NN boy))"
" (VP (VBG holding)"
" (NP (DT a) (NN toy)))"
" (. ?)))")
# the boy is **blank** holding a toy
More examples:
what is the boy holding ? --> the boy holding is **blank**
who is holding a toy ? --> **blank** is holding a toy
what is on the table ? --> **blank** is on the table
There is a online Stanford Parser where you can conveniently abtain the parse tree of a sentence.