Header only class to run QApplication on a separate thread.
QTest provides QTEST_MAIN() but it can be specified only once. Hence gtest can't really run various scenarios of UI as there can be only a single point of execution.
AppRunner is designed to overcome the restriction by running Qt at a dedicated thread. When AppRunner is created, it create a separate thread and execute QApplicaiton.processEvents() in the thread. And it gets user's lambda and executes the lambda function at the thread also.
#include "AppRunner.hpp"
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
AppRunner app( argc, argv ); // create a thread and create QApplication in the thread
QMainWindow* w = nullptr;
app.wait( [&]() { // this lambda will be executed at the thread
w = new QMainWindow();
w->setWindowTitle("Hello World");
}); // return when above executed
app.wait( [w]() { // then close the window at the thread
delete w;
return 0;
#include "AppRunner.hpp"
class Fixture {
static Fixture* instance() { // Singleton Fixture holding AppRunner
if(fixture_==nullptr){ fixture_ = new Fixture(); }
return fixture_;
AppRunner* appRunner() { return &App_; }
AppRunner App_;
class TestGui: public QObject {
private slots:
void testGui() {
QLineEdit lineEdit;
QTest::keyClicks(&lineEdit, "hello world");
QCOMPARE(lineEdit.text(), QString("hello world"));
TEST( qGuiTest, testGui ) {
auto app = Fixture::instance()->appRunner();
app->wait( [&]() {
TestGui t;
QTest::qExec( &t );
TEST( testAppRunner, helloWorld )
auto app = Fixture::instance()->appRunner();
QMainWindow* w = nullptr;
app->wait( [&]() {
w = new QMainWindow();
w->setWindowTitle("Hello World");
app->wait( [&w,alreadyThere]() {
delete w;
TEST( testAppRunner, many )
auto app = Fixture::instance()->appRunner();
list<unique_ptr<QMainWindow>> mainWindows;
vector<thread> threads;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
threads.push_back( thread( [app,&mainWindows,i](){
app->dispatch( [&mainWindows,i]() { // this lambda will be queued and executed at UI thread
auto w = make_unique<QMainWindow>();
w->setWindowTitle( std::to_string(i).c_str() );
}); // dispatch() is not blocking and return immediately after queueing
for( auto& t : threads ) { t.join(); } // make sure all lambdas are queued.
app->wait( [&mainWindows]() { // this cleanup will be executed after all above lambda executed.
for( auto& w : mainWindows ) { w->close(); }