Virtual serial port over TCP or UDP sockets
Improved version of first ESP32 NerdMiner
Animated eyes on Oled display controlled with arduino nano
imu-simulation is a modified repo from xioTechnologies / Gait-Tracking-With-x-IMU. This code is used to simulate WitMotion IMU Sensor Data.
Cuybot Protonano V1 OpenSource Custom Smartcar Board
V-King Pro 3d Printer - No rod CoreXY V-Slot
Use a Strain Gauge + HX711 Load Cell Amplifier as bed leveling sensor for any 3D Printer
Open Source echo sounder / depth sounder / SONAR for bathymetry and research. Arduino based and compatible.
A ROS 2 package for advanced robotics with the Otter USV from Maritime Robotics
Arduino OBD-II Bluetooth Scanner Interface Library for Car Hacking Projects
Manual for RTK GNSS with low cost u-blox ZED-F9P receivers rover-base setup
Low-cost GNSS RTK Base Station based on Raspberry Pi 3 and µBlox ZED-F9P GNSS RTK module
A raw data logger based on the u-blox ZED-F9P GNSS receiver intended for use with Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) techniques.
Reverse-engineered interface to SonarPhone fish finders
This project is an autonomous solar powered boat which drives around following gps coordinates and plots the depth of water with sonar