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Intro ℹ️

SuXYIO's Neovim config.

Screenshots 🎆


Dashboard, catppuccin colorscheme. Screenshot0

Lazygit, kanagawa colorscheme. Screenshot1

Code inspecting, duskfox colorscheme. Screenshot2

Telescope, everforest colorscheme. Screenshot3

Markdown preview, material colorscheme. Screenshot4

Note that these screenshots may not represent the actual effect, which is dependent on the terminal / NeoVim client config 💻.
Also, these screenshots might be outdated due to my laziness 😴.

Install 📲

Requirements 🔋


Install NeoVim (Which I assume you have done since you're browsing this repo 😅).
Install Nerdfont for your terminal or NeoVim client 💻.
Git is recommended for cloning the repo, but you can also use tools like wget or curl 🔧.

Simple ⭐

❗ Make sure you backup your current NeoVim config 💾.

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Detailed 🌟

This will be a bit verbose
  1. Optional
    Backup your current NeoVim config 💾.
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
  1. Clone this repo 📡.
git clone ~/.config/nvim

Check Install 🔍

You're done! 🎉
Startup NeoVim to check if it works.
If installed correctly, a grey Lazy window will show up to clone the plugins.


If any help is needed, feel free to report it in Issues 😉.

Enjoy! 😊

Features 📊

Plugin 🔌

Manager: Lazy.nvim 💤

Plugin list
Plugin Description
Autopairs Better insert experience for paired characters
Bufferline Provide bufferline
Cmp Provide completion
Codeium Provide AI assist
Conform Provide linting
Gitsigns Well, gitsigns, literally
LspSaga Better LSP experience
Lualine Provide fancy lines and tabs
Mason Install LSPs
MarkdownPreview Preview markdown files
NvimTree Provide tree view
Snacks Provide useful stuff
Telescope Find files
TodoComments Highlight todo comments
Transparent Transparent background
Wilder Provide cmdline completion
ZenMode Provide zen mode


Manager: Mason.nvim

The autoload feature in Mason is enabled, just install the LSPs needed, no need to config every single one ☺️.

Keymap 🎹

Keymap list

Note: The single characters here are all capital, which represents the key on the keyboard, capital key presses will be represented with Shift.

Base ⭐

Mode Key Map Description
/ ; leader Leader key
N Cmd-C "+y Copy to system clipboard
N Cmd-V "+P Paste from system clipboard in normal mode
I Cmd-V <Esc>"+P Paste from system clipboard in insert mode
N Leader-Q <CMD>q<CR> Quit
N Leader-WW <CMD>w<CR> Save
N Leader-WA <CMD>wa<CR> Save all
N Leader-WQ <CMD>wq<CR> Save & Quit
I JK <Esc> Escape from insert mode
N Space : Go to command mode
N Ctrl-K ddkP Move line up
N Ctrl-J ddp Move line down
N Esc <CMD>noh<CR> Remove highlight (clear search highlight)
N Leader-J <CMD>bn<CR> Switch next buffer
N Leader-H <CMD>bp<CR> Switch previous buffer
N Leader-W <C-w> Window control
N ZL <CMD>vs<CR> Toggle vertical split
N ZJ <CMD>sp<CR> Toggle split
N Leader-L <CMD>terminal<CR> Open terminal
T LeaderEsc <C-\\><C-n> Escape from terminal mode

Plugin 🔌

Plugin Mode Key Map Description
Conform N Leaderz conform.format({lsp_fallback = true}) Lint manually
LspSaga N ]E <CMD>Lspsaga diagnostic*jump*next<CR> Jump to next diagnostic
LspSaga N [E <CMD>Lspsaga diagnostic*jump*prev<CR> Jump to previous diagnostic
LspSaga N Leader-A <CMD>Lspsaga code*action<CR> Show actions of code
LspSaga N Leader-S <CMD>Lspsaga outline<CR> Show outline(structure) of code
LspSaga N Z-D <CMD>Lspsaga peek_definition<CR> Peek definition
MarkdownPreview N Z-M <CMD>MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR> Toggle markdown preview
NvimCmp I Enter cmp.mapping.confirm({select = true}) Confirm completion
NvimCmp I Esc cmp.mapping.abort() Abort completion
NvimTree N Leader-F <CMD>NeoTree<CR> Toggle tree view
Snacks N Leader-D Snacks.lazygit() Toggle LazyGit
Snacks N Leader-K Snacks.bufdelete() Delete buffer
Telescope N FF <CMD>Telescope<CR> Telescope
Transparent N Shift-T <CMD>TransparentToggle<CR> Transparent toggle

Colorscheme 🌈


theme change 🚥

The colorscheme, background, lineseps can be different on every startup over a certain rule.
(random, time, random is default)

Font 📖

Nerdfont is needed to show properly.

Misc ✨

Self-defined commands 🔖

Self-defined command list
Command Description
Hex Convert buffer raw to hex code. Convert back using Hex!. You can also add args directly, for example Hex -p will pass the -p to xxd. Requires xxd installed.

Grammar check 🔤

Uses the built-in SpellCheck.

Client support 💻

The client Neovide is supported.


  • Reduce startup time
  • Add system status in lualine


This is just a repo, so im only using a main branch, at least until i get this to work as a big project, which is unlikely.
That means this repo is really unstable, so better fork it if you wanna use it yourself.


My Neovim config file






