- (1) Sign Up
- (2) Log In
- (3) Log Out
- (4) List Users
- (5) Send Friend Request
- (6) Respond to Friend Request
- (7) View Feed
- (8) Only Friends can see Details
- (9) Securing User Data
- (10) Uploading User Profile Pic
- (11) Posting to Feed
- (12) User Registration Confirmation Email
- (13) Notification of Incoming Friend Request
- (14) Notification of Status Change to Outgoing Friend Request
- (15) Posting Images to Feed
- (16) Responsive App
- (17) Chat with Friends
- (18) Reacting to a Post
- (19) Removing Friends
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to sign up,
So that I can access the services of the site.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to login,
So that I can access my account.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to logout,
So that I can protect the security of my account.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to view a list of all users,
so that I can choose to follow other users.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like to be able to send a friend request,
So that I can become friends with another user.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like to be able to approve or deny a friend request,
So that I can decide who I want to interact with.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to view the feeds of my friends,
So that I can see what they are doing.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be sure only my friends can see my details,
So that I can limit who sees my information.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to login and logout securely,
So that I know my details are stored safely.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to upload a profile picture,
So that it is visible to my friends.
As a user of AceBook,
I want to be able to post to my feed,
So that I can share things with my friends.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like a confirmation email on sign-up,
So that I can confirm my account is created.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like a notification of a friend request,
So that I can approve or deny it as soon as possible.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like a notification of my friend request outcome,
So that I can see if its accepted or denied as soon as possible.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like to be able to post images to my feed,
So that I can express myself and my feelings visually
As a user of AceBook,
I would like the app to be responsive,
So that I can access content easily on my laptop or on my phone.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like to be able to chat with my friends,
So that we can message privately.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like to be able to like or dislike a post,
So that I can express my opinions.
As a user of AceBook,
I would like to be able to unfriend someone,
So that they can no longer view my details.