This is the repo for the rocket control unit.
Most of the development is done in python, and access to the RCU can be done through ssh.
Contact a lead for information regarding ssh access.
The biggest dependencies will require you to use the RPi.GPIO
python library.
This can only be done on Linux, LOL.
# pip install RPi.GPIO
Windows users should enable WSL
and clone the repo and instal RPi.GPIO
through pip as above and
make changes from there.
See the following examples directory for use on how to get started.
All code should adhere to the PEP8 code standard. There are autoformatters available which can do this for you.
Code should use typehints when available to allow for better readability.
- Create repo
- Get basic GPIO functionality working
- GPIO Read
- GPIO Write
- ADC Integration
- Repo organization
- sub-directories
- GitHub Actions/Workflow
- First setup
- Testing
- Cool badges