A custom CTF hosting website tailored to fit the needs of TechHunt.

- Built in 3 days (don't worry you'll find the bugs)
- Segsy UI and animated backgrounds (very cool, very awesome, satisfaction guaranteed)
- Per question asset attachment
- Audio playback hints with synchronised transcriptions
- Custom pool-based harmonic decrement scoring system
- Realtime scoreboard and progression graphs
- User bulk upload
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/steakfisher/hacktheplot.git
Switch directory
cd hacktheplot
Install dependencies
npm install --force
Set environment variables (.env.local)
AUTH_SECRET="*********" # npx auth secret
NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCKUP_TIME=1731624972499 # unix timestamp when the website unlocks
Setup database schema
drizzle-kit push
Run the website
npm run dev
We accept payments in
- Cash
- Credit/Debit card
- Crypto (anything musk or tate endorses)
- Organs