Releases: StarBobis/MMT-Blender
● 现在如果检测不到tga或者jpg格式的DiffuseMap将不会再创建材质和BSDF了,方便合并模型后的UV操作。
● 新增一个勾选框,选中后会让导入导出拥有相同的顶点数:
● 优化:现在自动上贴图的Alpha格式改为CHANNEL_PACKED,以便于正常显示色彩而不受Alpha通道干扰
● 优化:贴图名称识别算法兼容性优化 (感谢chenjunyu19)。
● 添加右键3Dmigoto=>根据顶点组分割物体, 在部分特殊情况会很有用,比如快速拆除配饰,拆除完再合并起来。
● Blender自动上DiffuseMap贴图现在也兼容.tga格式了(感谢 宸桜 的反馈优化建议)(需配合V1.0.8.3使用此特性)
● 优化:界面全中文化。
● 优化:UI现在默认显示也不会那么挤了。
● 优化:贴图文件名的识别支持,现在可以识别MMTV1.0.7.8之后产生的贴图文件了。
● 优化:一键导出时如果未选中集合则会弹出提示而不是显示导出成功了。
● 优化:现在导出模型文件后再点击一键导入会正确的识别出应该导入的原模型了,不会再把导出的模型导入进来导致报错了。
● 优化:选择手动导入时,导入的集合名称现在是以Hash值为名称而不是固定的MMT-Import了,方便在逆向Mod导入时根据Hash值区分对应部位,方便二次导出修改Mod时识别部位。
● 优化:因为现在可以突破顶点数量限制了,所以导出时不会再强行使用第一个循环边中顶点的TANGENT值来确保Hashable后的顶点数量相同了。
This version update thanks for the feedback and great code from "rayvy".
Add a new feature, now when import .ib and .vb file from output folder,it will auto search for .jpg files for every .ib .vb model with same prefix name ,and auto connect it to Principled BSDF to let our mod life easier.
(In MMT-Community V1.4.2 version or later,extracted model with .dds file copied may will also auto generate .jpg file, so we can use this feature)
Now import .ib and .vb file will auto put in a collection,convinent for export.
Now we have auto import: Click this [Import All .ib and .vb model in OutputFolder] button and it will auto import all .ib and .vb file in your output folder and grouped into collection by hash value.
after click ,it will auto import all just like this:
add a new function:
Right Click => 3Dmigoto=> Show Indexed Vertices and Indiexes Number
Then under info will show the current indices number, original vertex number when it's imported, current real vertices number.
By this way, you can more comfortable to confirm if your vertex number is stay same as original number in WuWa or UE4 3dmigoto mod develop.
Notice: Now all import will auto delete the loose vertex.
Blender 3.6LTS BUG:
Uncheck this "Auto-Save Preferences" and restart blender and install plugin again if you meet a bug when install V1.5.0 or later MMT-Blender-plugin and it says:
NameError: name 'MMTShowIndexedVertices' is not defined.