Author: Mistress Elysia, Silmarien, Lava Del'Vortel, Kai of Candlekeep
Mod Page: Spellhold Studios
Mod Forum: Fade NPC
Adds Fade, a joinable NPC to Baldur's Gate II: Fade is a chaotic neutral Fey'ri (elven tiefling) Shadow Thief, and is romanceable by males of any race and alignment. Fade is a romanceable NPC for both BGII: SoA and BGII: ToB.
Fade joins you in Chapter 3, on the Shadow Thief path. Fade is only available through Aran Linvail - you will not be able to join Bodhi's Guild and have Fade in the party. If you turn on Aran at any point, she will attack you. Try to get her as early as possible, and take your time with her. Please do not be tempted to accelerate her LTs - if you do, you may miss some important things! Don't be afraid of teasing her and telling her off - just don't outright insult her.
You can summon her in ToB via the Fate Spirit.
Please be aware that Fade includes mature content.