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我上传这些资料,旨在和广大学习者自由交流讨论。该库文件中:至少包括SolusMan-LADR4e.pdfSourceCode目录下的png, jpg, ggb文件,除去‘by-nc-sa.png’,都是在CC0协议下的。至少包括SourceCode目录下的SolusMan-LADR4e.texCh123.texCh45.texSettings.tex,是在CC BY NC SA条款约束下的,仅允许非商业用途的修改、复制、转发、衍生等,并且需要为副本/衍生作品使用与原作相同的协议(传染性)。这是因为原作LADR4e是在CC BY NC下发布的。所以其衍生作品允许(哪怕是一点点)商用是非法的,其许可证也是无效的。





这个文件夹包含ttf和otf字体文件、tex源代码、调用的sty头文件、引用的png、jpg图片、.ggb文件。这些文件用于生成SolusMan-LADR4e.pdf。主要就是,用TeXstudio, Texmaker或者其他IDE,亦或者编译器,编译SolusMan-LADR4e.tex,输出PDF二进制版本。


为了更高的实时编译效率,我将代码架构为 Settings(Settings.tex)、Chxxx(Ch123.tex、Ch45.tex)、Main(SolusMan-LADR4e.tex)。


Licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0

这是我整理的Linear Algebra Done Right, 4th/3rd E 的习题答案和课文补注。范围覆盖所有第三版和第四版的课文和习题(除了第一章A节、极少数结合上下文太过显而易见的习题、没有任何日后反复推敲价值的“当堂习题”和方法套路过于雷同的习题)。

  • 习题答案中,有我完全独立思考得出的,有抄 的, 有抄 的, 有抄LADR2eSolutions(By Axler).pdf,有抄最新的LADR4eSolutions经典最全(By Axler?).pdf,还有请教别人,乃至请教AI得出来的。

上面这些文档的许可证件,除 LADR4eSolutions经典最全(By Axler?).pdf 找不到/没有指明外,都允许分发/复制/引用。

  • 课文补注中,除了我独立思考总结出的易错误区和技巧、难点之外,还(因为我想要兼容那些使用LADR第三版纸质书的读者,包括我在内)把LADR4e中对课文定理等等的修改也(作了简化和提炼)摘录上去。
  • 题目标号为正常数字N的,为第三版某章某节第N题(有个别题是第四版又删去的,这里,或直接摘录,或合并简化,仍然作保留;还有个别题是第四版增添条件、设问的,也一并写在第N题下)。
  • 题目标号为实心黑点的,为第四版。因为要面向以第三版为主要教材的学习者,所以为了避免混淆,故而将题号(部分题目的实心黑点后有标注具体第四版的数字标号)、甚至章节略去(一些变动过大的章节除外)。
  • 题目顺序会有调换,在每章大标题处会交代清楚。
  • 除了原书第四版新加入的章节外,均使用原书第三版的索引。这也许对第四版的使用者很不友好,我在此欢迎有心人士将我的作品修改后在同样的CC BY NC SA条款下发布。

欢迎邮件13012057210@163.com和我交流;或者在这里提出一份Issue,再或者去 bilibili 找一位叫 H-U_O 的用户,私信或者在相关动态中评论。

LADR2eSolutions(By Axler).pdf

这个文件与我无关,也不受这里LICENSE的限制,我仅仅是从还有很多网站可以下载,搜索关键词'linear algebra done right solutions manual'就行)上下载过来改了文件名又传到这里。内有指明版权,允许修改、概述和分发。

LADR4eSolutions经典最全(By Axler?).pdf

所见即所得,我认为这本答案中的思路和方法非常经典、非常贴合原书,与 LADR2eSolutions(By Axler).pdf 的答案风格非常相近,这两本答案都比上的答案更胜一筹。 这个文件与我无关,也不受这里LICENSE的限制,我仅仅是从https://lew98.github.io那里下载过来改了下文件名又传到这里;疑似是 Sheldon Axler 教授所作,或者是他的学生所作,亦或者是共同完成,尽管这份文件没有在https://linear.axler.net上。 然而里面没有明确版权,默认为Public Domain


  • 第3章F节22题(b)问,

  • 第4章14题(a)问,

  • ······



「附:如何配置LaTex」 Trisquel/Ubuntu系统Terminal下

sudo apt install texlive

sudo apt install texlive-xetex

sudo apt install texlive-lang-chinese

sudo apt install texstudio

即可。其他系统下,差不多也就 texlive、xetex、中文语言包、texstudio 这些。


English Version

I am a Chinese, and I am not good at English. Thus I must first apologize, for words below may be awkward. You can contact me via Email to let me know where I made mistakes, or even, if you wish, to suggest me a better example.

About this repo:

The purpose of me uploading these materials, is to communicate with as many learners, teachers, scholars, etc. as possible. The files in this repo, at least containing SolusMan-LADR4e.pdf and .png, .jpg, .gbb files under the SourceCode directory, except for `by-nc-sa.png', are all licensed under CC0; files at least containing SolusMan-LADR4e.tex, Ch123.tex, Ch45.tex, Settings.tex in the SourceCode directory, are licensed under CC BY NC SA.

You are free to (re)distribute, modify, or copy any part or whole of those files, as long as in non-commerical use, and as long as you release your Derivative Work under the same License. See LICENSE for more details.

The license of this repo had a major change on December 30, 2024. The version prior to this change, in terms of the (A)GPLv3/GFDL authorization for users, was invalid in terms of commercial usability because it violated the NonCommerical clause of the original work LADR4e from which it was derived.

About the files:

The SourceCode directory

Including font files in .ttf, .otf, source files in .tex, header files in .sty, pictures in .png, .jpg, .ggb files. These files are used in generating SolusMan-LADR4e.pdf, by TeXstudio, or Texmaker or other IDE, or simply a compiler.

The .ttf, .otf font files are licensed under (L)GPL. extrarrows.sty in the Headers directory is licensed under LGPL.

In order to reduce compile time during coding and testing, I seperate my source code into parts including Settings(Settings.tex), Chxxx(Ch123.tex, Ch45.tex), Main(SolusMan-LADR4e.tex).


Licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0

This is my notes and solutions for Linear Algebra Done Right, 4th/3rd E. All exercises in two versions of the textbook, are in my range, except for Section A in Chapter 1 and all other exercises that are too easy to solve.

  • The solutions are not all originally written by me. Many of those are copied or abridged from,, LADR2eSolutions(By Axler).pdf , LADR4eSolutions经典最全(By Axler?).pdf. And some of those solutions, are adaptions/implementations of the results of chatting with other people informally, or even with AI.

The copyright notices of the documents mentioned above, except for that of LADR4eSolutions经典最全(By Axler?).pdf ( not specified/found ), permit distributing and copying.

  • The notes for the textbook include efficient tools, misconceptions, and error-prone points. For the sake of compatibility with the 3rd Edition, I copied/abridged/adapted the new results appeared in the 4th Edition in my notes.
  • The plain number tags for Exercises are the same in the 3rd Edition. Some Exercises in 3rd Edition are disappeared/modified ( with some conditions or questions added or removed ) in the 4th Edition. I saved them in my manual by copying directly, or merging ( all remain in the original number tags, but may not remain in the original position ).
  • Because I use indices of the 3rd Edition, so in order to avoid confusion, the Exercises in bullet point tags are for 4th Edition, ( some of them are modified by me, ) and some of them are followed by number tags in 4th Edition. Except for great changes in whole chapter in 4th Edition.
  • The order of Exercises for each chapter may not be the same with the textbook. I note that clearly after the big chapter title.
  • For theorems/facts/definitions/..., I use indices in 3rd Edition. Except for those in entirely new chapter in 4th Edition.

Contact me via Email: Or propose an Issue here.

LADR2eSolutions(By Axler).pdf

This file, is absolutely in no relation with me, in any ways, so it is not limitted under LICENSE. I just downloaded it from, then renamed it, and then uploaded it here.

There are many other sites for downloading this file, just type 'linear algebra done right solutions manual' in your Search Engine.

The copyright notice in this file permits modifying, abridging, distributing, and of course copying and adapting (at least a small part).

LADR4eSolutions经典最全(By Axler?).pdf

WYSIWYG. I think the methods and ideas in this manual, is specifically the same with the textbook. Maybe the author is Axler himself! Especially because of LADR2eSolutions(By Axler).pdf, which is in the same style with this manual. Although both manuals are not on this page:

I think the answers given in the two manuals above are better than those of

What I must say, is that this file, is absolutely in no relation with me, in any ways, so it is not limitted under LICENSE. I just downloaded it from, then renamed it, and then uploaded it here.

There is no copyright notice, so I suppose it is Public Domain. If it has, I assume that I have the perimission to copy, abridge any part of the document.

Up to now, I find that there are some wrong answers in this manual:

  • Chapter 3 Section F Exercise 22 (b),

  • Chapter 4 Exercise 14 (a),

  • ······


My personal configures for TeXstudio.

How to configure your LaTex by Terminal under the Trisquel/Ubuntu system ? Just type:

sudo apt install texlive

sudo apt install texlive-xetex

(optional) sudo apt install texlive-lang-chinese

sudo apt install texstudio










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