Module that converts HTML to the Contentful rich-text model. It was developed to assist in the process of migrating rich text content into contentful, a popular content management system. The functionality has been thoroughly tested to ensure that it performs reliably. It is a useful tool for anyone who needs to convert HTML to contentful's rich-text format, whether for the purpose of migrating existing content or integrating with contentful's platform.
This module is under development
Verified | Verified | Beta |
<ul> |
<embedded-asset> |
<img> |
<li> |
<inline-entry> |
<ol> |
<embedded-entry> |
<b> |
<entry-hyperlink> |
<u> |
<td> |
<i> |
<th> |
<p> |
<tr> |
<br /> |
<table> |
<code> |
<p> |
<a> |
<hr> |
<blockquote> |
<h{1-6}> |
Using npm:
npm i html-to-richtext-contentful
import { htmlToRichText } from 'html-to-richtext-contentful';
const html = '<table><tr><th><p>Name</p></th></tr><tr><td><p>SodoTeo</p></td></tr></table>';
const result = htmlToRichText(html);
"nodeType": "document",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "table",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "table-row",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "table-header-cell",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "paragraph",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "text",
"value": "Name",
"marks": [],
"data": {}
"nodeType": "table-row",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "table-cell",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "paragraph",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "text",
"value": "SodoTeo",
"marks": [],
"data": {}
const { htmlToRichText } = require('html-to-richtext-contentfult');
// id="<contentful-entry-id>"
const html = '<p><entry-hyperlink id="main-nav-title-industry">title</entry-hyperlink></p>';
const result = htmlToRichText(html);
"nodeType": "document",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "paragraph",
"data": {},
"content": [
"nodeType": "entry-hyperlink",
"data": {
"target": {
"sys": {
"id": "main-nav-title-industry",
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry"
"content": [
"nodeType": "text",
"value": "title",
"marks": [],
"data": {}
To use hyperlinks as entry blocks, as well as embedded and inline entries and assets, you will need to render your custom node constructor and (most likely) Contentful's rich-text-html-renderer, rich-text-types. Below is a snippet on how to do this:
import { documentToHtmlString } from '@contentful/rich-text-html-renderer';
import { BLOCKS, INLINES } from '@contentful/rich-text-types';
if (field.type === 'RichText') {
const options = {
renderNode: {
`<embedded-entry id="${}"/>`,
`<embedded-asset id="${}"/>`,
`<inline-entry id="${}"/>`,
`<entry-hyperlink id="${}">${node.content[0].value}</entry-hyperlink>`
if (field.values['en-US']) {
field.values['en-US'] = formatHTML(
documentToHtmlString(field.values['en-US'], options)
return field;