Fjord is an implementation of the F# programming language for the JVM.
The implementation is at very early stages, so if you are looking to use F# on the JVM, Fjord is probably not for you. However, if you are interested in hacking on F# implementation for the JVM, welcome on board!
Fjord is built and packaged with Apache Maven and requires Java 1.8 or higher to build and run.
To build F#, run:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1g"
mvn package
To launch the F# interactive shell run:
and you are greeted with:
For help type #help
> _
You can then evaluate F# expressions:
> let x = 1 + 2
val x = 3
- Aims at F# 3.0 language compatibility
Want to help? Grab the F# specification, fork the GitHub repository, and send a pull request!
For questions and comments, drop me a line on Twitter or on #fjord at, or send me email at
Copyright © 2013 Pekka Enberg and contributors.
Fjord is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
(in order of appearance)
- Alex Biehl