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  • Beijing, China
  • 07:16 (UTC +08:00)

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Daniel Lemire lemire
Daniel Lemire is a computer science professor. His research is on software performance in data engineering.

Université du Québec (TELUQ) Montreal, Canada

Tianyin Xu tianyin
Watchman in the cornfield

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana

Sina Karvandi SinaKarvandi
Windows internals enthusiast. Interested in low-level programming. I work on @HyperDbg debugging solutions.
Tej Chajed tchajed
Professor at UW-Madison. I write software and prove that it does what it's supposed to.

UW-Madison Madison, WI

Keming kemingy
418 I'm a teapot

@tensorchord Singapore

Yufan Sheng syhily
A thoughtful guy living a simple life. Working for bread, studying for interests, and thinking for hope. Learned about just 8 programming languages for fun.

Mom's basement

Kensei Nakada sanposhiho
@kubernetes maintainer (SIG-Scheduling approver, SIG-Autoscaling)

@tetrateio Kyoto, Japan

DCjanus DCjanus
Build world, in code. Mostly @rust-lang

was @chaitin; was @bilibili ShangHai, China

Jun Ouyang oowl
Boring man!

Shanghai, China

Andy Stewart manateelazycat
Linux, Emacs开源社区从业二十余载 懒猫微服CEO, 不端不装, 仗剑走天涯 客官喜欢, 欢迎买我家的懒猫微服 China

Shengyu Zhang SilverRainZ
I don’t write complex code. I created @SrainApp and @sphinx-notes

Hebei, China

Jintao Zhang tao12345666333
@kubernetes Ingress-NGINX maintainer, @apache PMC member, CNCF Ambassador, Microsoft MVP. Twitter: @zhangjintao9020

@Kong Beijing, China

Simon Willison simonw

Datasette Half Moon Bay, California

Wenxuan breezewish
Genshin Impact / Distributed systems / High-performance programming

Shanghai, China ⇋ Guangzhou, China

Yuchen Cheng rudeigerc
Software Engineer / ex-WizardQuant @antgroup / Member @dyweb / #Kubernetes / #MLSys

Shanghai, China

Kiv Chen KivenChen

Mountain View, CA

Jaana Dogan rakyll or to email.

Google San Francisco, CA

Serge Zaitsev zserge
Turning complex problems into a lightweight and simple software solutions.

München, Germany

Linus Lee thesephist
Languages and interfaces, interpreters and compilers. Building tools and interfaces to help us think and create.

@thoughtandcraft nyc

SpringHack springhack
Full stack developer Orz...

@bytedance Beijing POI~

Andrew Gallant BurntSushi
I love to code.

@astral-sh Marlborough, MA

Holegots fuergaosi233
ML-Dev at day, SRE at night. Just For Fun

Alibaba Beijing

Jianqiu Zhang VOID001
Coding Thinking and Improving

ByteDance Inc The New World

Fangrui Song MaskRay
Retired Algo/CTF/Student Cluster Competition player


Jiayi Weng Trinkle23897
Busy working on ChatGPT training infra

@openai San Francisco

Ruolin Ye YoruCathy
PhD student ar Cornell || Previous HSEFZ @HSEFZ → SJTU @sjtu
LinsongGuo LinsongGuo
The first-year PhD student at UCSD CSE. ACM Class 18@SJTU.

ACM Class @ SJTU San Diego, CA

Jiaxin Lu Jiaxin-Lu

University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX

Jerry Ji xyjixyjixyji
I am a faceit level 10 player

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA (Shenzhen, China)

Zhenghao Lu EmisonLu

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China

zhangziqian Musicminion

Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai

Frost Ming frostming
Love 🐍 Python, 📷 Photography and beautiful things

Shenzhen, China

Hongren Zheng ZenithalHourlyRate
头像是绫波丽 | Avatar Ayanami Rei
More Z. cailurus
Applied Scientist @microsoft

@microsoft Beijing, China

Open-source Projects from Advanced Networking Lab in KAIST

Daejeon, South Korea

David Tolnay dtolnay

0xF9BA143B95FF6D82 Redwood City, California

Yunhao Zhang yhzhang0128

Cornell University Ithaca

Neal Wu nealwu

United States

Mu Li mli

Boson AI Palo Alto, CA

Wenhui Zhang wenhuizhang
I am trying to build secure systems

open source task force San Jose

yihong yihong0618
The best is yet to come.


Eric Zhang ekzhang
A kinder, more human sort of software

@modal-labs New York, NY

George Hotz geohot
We will commoditize the petaflop.

@commaai @tinygrad San Diego, CA

Jarry Shaw JarryShaw
A *newbie* programmer :)

AWS Security Toronto, ON, CA

zhenwei pi pizhenwei
皮振伟。 云计算/AI技术系统研究。 个人微信公众号AlwaysGeek。

ByteDance Beijing

Armin Ronacher mitsuhiko
Software developer and Open Source nut. Creator of the Flask framework. Engineering at @getsentry. Other things of interest: @pallets and @rust-lang

Sentry Austria