Using a pointer to a function in parameterized tests #338
I am working on a project which uses an API that defines a struct with pointers to functions to provide flexible functionality. I've been writing tests to confirm a little bit of the functionality so far, but I've just run into an issue trying to use one of those pointers. I know how memory must use the criterion functions (i.e. cr_malloc
), so I'm not exactly sure how I should go about this.
I've written a minimal example here:
#include <criterion/parameterized.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void customFunc() {
cr_log_info("In function\n");
typedef struct Param {
void (*func)();
} Param;
void cleanupHandlerParam(struct criterion_test_params *ctp) {
ParameterizedTestParameters(example, test) {
const size_t size = 2;
Param *params = cr_malloc(sizeof(Param) * size);
params[0] = (Param) {.func = NULL};
params[1] = (Param) {.func = &customFunc};
return cr_make_param_array(Param, params, size, cleanupHandlerParam);
ParameterizedTest(Param * param, example, test) {
int pos = 0;
cr_log_info("Pos %d\n", pos++);
if (param->func) {
cr_log_info("Pos %d\n", pos++);
cr_log_info("Pos %d\n", pos++);
And this is the output:
[----] Criterion v2.3.3
[====] Running 1 test from example:
[RUN ] example::test
[----] Pos 0
[PASS] example::test: (0.00s)
[RUN ] example::test
[----] Pos 0
[----] Pos 1
[----] ../test/net/test.c:32: Unexpected signal caught below this line!
[FAIL] example::test: CRASH!
[====] Synthesis: Tested: 2 | Passing: 1 | Failing: 1 | Crashing: 1
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