Can intelligent agents play Minecraft? Developing a hierarchical reinforcement learning agent to play Minecraft.
To find out how subtask state transitions are transferred, we implemented a Markov Model to analyze them. We first split the whole IronPickaxe dataset into different subtasks, e.g.: Start, Log, Planks, Crafting tables, etc, to extract the subtasks. After that, to keep consistency, we filtered some poor-quality trajectories. Finally, the most greedy subtask path was generated by our Markov model.
['Start', 'log', 'planks', 'crafting_table', 'stick', 'wooden_pickaxe', 'cobblestone', 'stone_pickaxe', 'iron_ore', 'furnace', 'iron_ingot', 'iron_pickaxe', 'Termination']
a. Assigning subtask for human-player.
b. Subtask could be the chain in HDQfD or Markov-controller or hand-crafted chain.
c. Potential research: Comparing Human-player performance between different provided chains.
a. Assigning action in the subtask for human players.
b. For action, things might be a bit complex.
c. 10 basic actions:
Move -- [forward, back, left, right]
Camera -- [up, down, left, right]
Combo -- [forward+jump]
d. Special actions:
Craft -- [Planke, stick, crafting_table, wooden_pickaxe, etc]: converting raw material
Place -- [item]: placing item(s)
NearbyCraft -- [item]: Craft item(s) when something nearby
Equip -- [item]
The MineRL intelligent agent is based on HDQfD (forgER) algorithm, see [Paper] [Github].
- We cannot reproduce the results in the paper, mostly because of the MineRL environment updates and MineRL dataset issues.
- We changed some parts of the algorithm to improve the performance (see forger folder).