Dashboard to display general and detailed statistics of digitization projects by the Collections Digitization program of DPO, OCIO, Smithsonian (https://dpo.si.edu/mass-digitization-program).
Live version of the Mass Digi Dashboard: https://shiny.si.edu/massdigi/
Written in R/Shiny.
Packages required:
- shiny
- dplyr
- shinyWidgets
- DT
- plotly
- shinycssloaders
- lubridate
The app reads data.RData
, which contains the dataframes used in each table and plot. This data.RData
file is created by another script that reads the data from a Postgres database to generate summary statistics and time series. The script it run every Monday morning using cron
The dashboard displays four tabs:
Progress in Select Projects - Figures of the number of images captured by day or month for some projects
Daily/Monthly Statistics - Tables of images and objects digitized by day and month, plus buttons to download the data in CSV/Excel.
- 1.6.0 - Renaming to
Collections Digitization
and adding tabs for the three main areas: Mass Digi, Imaging Services, and Informatics