"Service-Strassenverkehrsamt" is a microservice of the "SmartCity"-Project. Here, a user is able to see registered vehicles or register new ones via requests. In addition to that, a citizen of the SmartCity will be able to create requests for new driver licenses. And finally a user is able to see open bills and penaltys.
In directory frontend:
npm start
Create virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
In directory SmartCity
python -m venv [NAME OF VENV]
Activate virtual environment
On Windows
On Linux
source \path\to\venv\bin\activate.sh
Install required packages
Go to SmartCity directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Application
In SmartCity directory
python manage.py runserver
Start backend as above.
Run tests
In SmartCity/test directory
python test.py
Ensure that all needed packages as above are installed