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    Simple hybrid mobile app for find nearby getuk shop in our location, implement with firebase
    make this app more powerfull, also powered by expo dev and expo go version 47

Setup Application

    Before you can develop this project you must setup this project first,
    Just follow the step it's very simple step

Init Env

    npm run env:init

add firebase config and eas project id into data.native.js then push config to app.json with

    npm run env:push

after finish 2 steps above, you can go to build application step

Build Application

    first, download eas cli version into your machine
    After installation process, run `eas login` command in your terminal
    Then follow step bellow for the next step


    run command `npm run build`, then select android platform
    Then press `Y` for generate keystore credential


    run command `npm run build`, then select ios platform
    Then input your ios dev account credetials


    This project doesn't support web platform, if you want it
    setup metro configuration for web platform


    Done, your project stored in website

After finish it, make sure you clear up config file with:

    npm run env:pop