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[python] collect assigned fields in contructor to avoid double init (…
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Simn committed Jun 19, 2015
1 parent cdb2ba8 commit a5dd0c3
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 4 deletions.
28 changes: 24 additions & 4 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -1909,10 +1909,30 @@ module Generator = struct
begin match cf.cf_expr with
| Some ({eexpr = TFunction f} as ef) ->
let ethis = mk (TConst TThis) (TInst(c, snd c.cl_params)) cf.cf_pos in
let member_data = (fun cf ->
let ef = mk (TField(ethis,FInstance(c,[],cf))) cf.cf_type cf.cf_pos in (* TODO *)
mk (TBinop(OpAssign,ef,null ef.etype ef.epos)) ef.etype ef.epos
) member_inits in
let assigned_fields = ref [] in
(* Collect all fields that are assigned to but panic out as soon as `this`,
`super`, `return` or `throw` appears (regardless of control flow). *)
let collect_assignments e =
let rec loop e = match e.eexpr with
| TBinop(OpAssign,{eexpr = TField({eexpr = TConst TThis}, FInstance(_,_,cf))},e2) ->
loop e2;
assigned_fields := cf :: !assigned_fields
| TConst (TSuper | TThis) | TThrow _ | TReturn _ ->
raise Exit
| _ ->
Type.iter loop e
try loop e with Exit -> ()
collect_assignments f.tf_expr;
let member_data = List.fold_left (fun acc cf ->
if not (List.memq cf !assigned_fields) then begin
let ef = mk (TField(ethis,FInstance(c,[],cf))) cf.cf_type cf.cf_pos in (* TODO *)
let e = mk (TBinop(OpAssign,ef,null ef.etype ef.epos)) ef.etype ef.epos in
e :: acc
end else
) [] member_inits in
let e = concat (mk (TBlock member_data) cf.cf_pos) f.tf_expr in
let ef = {ef with eexpr = TFunction {f with tf_expr = e}} in
cf.cf_expr <- Some ef;
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